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As the Yankees come to town to open another baseball season, Nestor Aparicio continues his conversations with the best sports columnists in America as Mike Vaccaro of The New York Post discusses the future of sports journalism and who will speak truth to power and ask the tough questions that ensure accountability and civic confidence.


people, new york, orioles, owners, yankees, mets, steinbrenner, fans, years, lost, grew, baltimore, team, game, post, money, steadman, week, dodgers, steve cohen


Mike Vaccaro, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

What about w n s t Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive we are positively into the spring baseball is sprung the opening of the new CFG Bank Arena, Springsteen, the Eagles, we got concerts, we got things and the Maryland crab cake tour back out on the road, brought to you by the Maryland lottery conjunction with our friends at window nation cost this, then fade Lee’s and next week we’re going to be at Pappas up in Bel Air celebrating the opening of their new place. Oprah’s Favorite crab cake come on and have a crab cake with us in Bel Air and then we’re gonna be back downtown at Captain Larry’s first time crab cake there on the 27th of the month and a whole litany of places into May. You know, I met you crabcakes the people in town were like, Hey, Nick, I’ll meet you over here. I’ll meet you over there. But the the out of town people they’re like, Huh, you gotta get down to an Orioles game. Mike Vaccaro has covered sports a little bit of an Oscar Madison trail from the Midwest in the south to New York he has been there for two decades doing that tabloid thing on the back at the New York Post nobody does it better writes books about the Yankees and stuff like that also had a health challenge as well and it’s great to see you back on the playing field making threes hitting them out of the park doing all that stuff and and writing and you know I’ve been a want to be Oscar Madison my whole life mike so seeing you get back to doing what you do and bringing real honest to god column this honest to god columnist on to the program is always great. How are you? How are you feeling to open a 2023 campaign?


Mike Vaccaro  01:29

Yeah, I’m doing good, my friend. I am feeling as good as I felt years and yeah, it’s it’s, it’s going great. So I’ve been fun doing the job. You know, like you said, I you know, I’m one of these guys who takes the job of Colin was very seriously I know, it’s an honor to to occupy that space in the New York Post. Jimmy cannon used to write that column. So I mean, it’s, uh, you know, I’ve got got a lot to live up to every day. But what Yeah, it’s fun. I’m doing well. Thank you for asking.

Nestor Aparicio  01:53

Yeah, I got a million directions because I was in an antique shop couple weeks ago, and I got the old 1966 Because I’m a newspaper guy. It’s where my start was at the news American. John Steadman in the 66 preview said it says here Orioles will win the World Series, printed October 4. I have the whole section Aparicio, was in enhanced how I got here back in the 60s. And you know, just all these years later, just to touch it and feel it being a columnist. Let’s start with that. Then I’m going with the Yankees do Orioles and all that pollen, this newspapers, I still get in the subway in New York, I still see, you know, the remnants of what was a whole life of it that began my life as a reporter and all these years, 31 years on radio, but my all I ever wanted to be was you. And I told Luke pick it out a couple of weeks ago.

Mike Vaccaro  02:41

Yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s great. And then when you write that, that’s still the kick is when you’re on the subway, or when you’re at a cafe in New York, and you see people with the papers, expertly thrown, you know, folded up. You know, and that’s that, that’s, that’s all I’ve really ever wanted to do. And, you know, I’ve been lucky enough that, you know, some people don’t want to grow up and become an astronaut or something. And, you know, when I was seven or eight years old, I declared my father, I wanted to be the sports columnist for the New York Post. And you know, there weren’t a lot of people that I know, get to grow up and do exactly what they said they wanted to do when they were in second grade. But

Nestor Aparicio  03:15


the same human being, I mean, that’s all I ever wanted to do. Seven,

Mike Vaccaro  03:19

I’ve often thought that to be honest with you, Nestor because, yeah, because we all ever do. And I was acutely immerse myself in the papers. You know, when New York when I was growing up, you know, it was still the daily news in the post in the times we invest over the time much of my house, but but, you know, there was news day, there was a Long Island Press. He was he was great, you know, if you were a sports fan, and specifically if you were somebody who had a kind of a bent to, to want to be Oscar Madison. I mean, let’s face it. I mean, you know, I think a lot of people more generation, you know, Oscar Madison was a sports writer, like, why are you gonna do that for a living? And as you and I both discovered you had to our great good fortune. You can you can do that for a living if you get a couple of breaks along the way. And, you know, it’s amazing what can happen.

Nestor Aparicio  04:02

Like my old man would hate it Oscar Madison’s hat because of that Mets thing for 69. And you come on this program and you just, you just bring that pirate hat. And you know what, I’ll doff my cap to Clemente. But 79 was, I was I was 11 years old and 79 We lost game seven, right? So like, you know, those are hard times for me. But from a baseball perspective, you can’t even hate the pirates because they have less of a chance than the Orioles have ever been. The next seemed to have a parade around here. You write about the Yankees in the match and it’s still a thing there. The Orioles opened in Boston last week. It’s still a thing there. Although, I mean, I’ve had Shaughnessy and Bob Ryan, on this program for all my life for 30 years those guys have been coming on Shaughnessy wrote ran ran around with Earl Weaver here back in the day, you know was here and they tell me baseball is number three in Boston now behind the Patriots behind behind the Celtics. And, you know for new York and being all that it is, and I, you know, I see what’s happened to horse racing here. And then I go up to New York when I think of like the post and there’s those things were built on horse racing and boxing, you know, back in the 40s and 50s and 60s now modern modern vernacular for a columnist, what makes your bell ring other than just you’ve always written about the Yankees, the rangers and whatever, but as a column this What’s your job these days?

Mike Vaccaro  05:24

You know, I think the two things one, I mean, look, we have to keep the, you know, the powerful accountable, right? So I mean, for years, you know, it meant getting after the Wilpon family because he treated the metal like a, like a secondary operation. You know, for years it made getting into the Johnson family with the Jets because it didn’t seem like they cared very much about what happened there. For years it was getting after it still in some ways he’s getting after James Dolan, because he runs two teams here. Now it


Nestor Aparicio  05:54

was Steinbrenner right. I mean, was there that kind of pressure on ownership in the 50s and 60s If there were the Dodgers and Giants when the skipped probably right. Yeah.

Mike Vaccaro  06:02

They skipped in spite of the fact they were getting killed. So I mean, I think it probably isn’t that much different. I mean, because let’s face it, I mean, the, you know, the bottom line is the almighty Buck now and it was certainly that’s the reason why Walter O’Malley left for California. And so they didn’t care Dick young or Milton Gross is gonna go after them in the papers.

Nestor Aparicio  06:22

John Steadman, we lost the Colts in the bullets. I mean, we you know, these municipalities have got even New York lost teams, right. Really? Yeah, we

Mike Vaccaro  06:29


mean and I think in some ways Baltimore, New York and your your are soulmates that way along with other other places. That was one of the great ironies right about that. About about Baltimore, is that they lost the Colts and they they took the Browns with the browns, you know, they they, they got their own team. It’s the St. Louis knows was the ticket rams and the lost the Rams. I mean, it’s it’s really kind of a, I think it’s a story unto itself, about what happens to cities, you know, cities, self esteem and reputation when they lose a team. When they get a team. You know, the the, it’s really, that’s a

Nestor Aparicio  07:04

whole conversation unto itself. Springsteen song horsing gamblers,

Mike Vaccaro  07:07

it’s true, you know, and look, I mean, there, there is still it, there are still enough people in New York who are around the Giants, the Dodgers work, we still find that to be the greatest felony of all time and looking if I had grown up a Dodgers fan, and suddenly, I couldn’t read for the Dodgers anymore on me if I could, but I couldn’t watch them anymore because they were 3000 miles away. Or the same thing with the Colts you know, in Baltimore. I feel the same way. And I think that’s, you know, I guess I guess that’s a rabbit like

Nestor Aparicio  07:33

I keep this this is my childhood Baltimore Colts belt buckle I keep this five feet away, because it’s just it’s always there. And I Ward as a little boy, we got into Sears over at the mall. And you know, like, but uh, you know, I’ve been buying old Houston Oilers stuff here as well. But the modern part of being a column that she said, hold power accountable. I can’t let’s keep going down that that road, because I really think that in my town, they thrown me out after 27 years, right. Like, I don’t they Prudential employee but not maybe close to your heart. I


Mike Vaccaro  08:06

know. So yeah, exactly.

Nestor Aparicio  08:06

Well, yeah. But it’s, it’s a fascinating thing, that there’s no one of any power in the media here to hold them accountable. Because they bought the whole media here. Right. Right. So and the sun is where it is, and the banners trying to get where they’re going and what and whether it will ever have what you had in New York, which is you’re not going to pull this although Trump I guess pulled it off until like Tuesday, right? pulled it off all of a lifetime. Right, managed to do it. But there is a notion that Steinbrenner sort of brought the heat on to everyone, it across baseball across sports, to say, I want to win, and I’ll cut your throat to win. Right? Yeah, for

Mike Vaccaro  08:49

sure. And he kind of raised the standard for how we were looking at modern sports owners too, because I think I think really the, if you’re an owner, that the things that fans want to know is a you care. They want to know that you care as much as they do. Even if you don’t, you got to put on an act that you care as much as they do. Because because they do care. You know, fans go to bed at night. And they don’t they don’t sleep if they lose a three to game in the 11th inning, and they want to the owner feels that way too. One reason why Mets fans love COVID so much, Steve Cohen, so much isn’t just his money, but he’s clearly a Mets fan. I mean, he’s been opening day with the seven line, you know, which is which is a group of rabid Mets fans down in Miami. You know, and I think that’s that, that really matters. Number two close behind is that you backup that fandom by, you know, by, by, by, by by using your resources to make sure that they’re as good as they can be. I mean, it’s time there’s time, right? It was always that way. You know, he would never He never He would never, he would never go for renewal for for half dollar he could pay $1 And that’s the way it is now Steve Cohen. And yeah, and third thing is is that they want to be able to have a good a good experience when they decide to invest their money in your product, which is to go to a game. Where do we you know, we’re biases and packaged or whatever it is. Mmm it’s really not a lot to ask for, I think and I think owners, it’s remarkable actually how much owners have spaced on that through the years not realizing how important all of those things are.

Nestor Aparicio  10:11


Well, you know, art came off the boat here with the stolen ravens brought a family business here that he was always in front of in Cleveland, say what you want about art, but art was at the theater art was at the clinic art was in the city art was writing chats, art was having banquets, or was putting on college football games. Art was trying to get a baseball stadium, but like all of that art showed up here, very old, kind of tired version of that. And David, but they had to rebuild it again. And the Ravens were built here, PSL money, all of that stuff. But it was built on like shows like mine over at the barn with Tony Siragusa that felt like Artie Donovan, a generation before and Odell Bracy and all of that that never really existed in New York you know, like from a community standpoint, I wonder what what ties people to the New York Knicks and Rangers I literally doll in such a prick I saw you suing the the attorneys for walking into the like I see all that and I love the garden I want to go up to the garden to see a show. I might be come up see Depeche Mode next week is anything at the garden is worth $100 more than anywhere else. For me. That’s how much I love coming up there. But I I wonder like, who these people pay at $800 to go to Knicks games and like why and hanging on? And the Orioles there’s been such attrition here as the Yankees come in here. And you know what it’s looked like here the last 20 years, 25 years since this gem of a ballpark was built. But in but tying to sports in a place like New York, it’s so different. And I’ve never really understood what makes people come into the big cities spend all this money on teams that are you know, competing, but not but they’re making bucks. I mean, they’re about making money every year you go to Yankee Stadium, you swim in the money that they’re making.

Mike Vaccaro  11:57

It’s true. I mean, look at the I think the whole dynamic of sports fans is interesting to see how it evolves, because like, when you were in our kids, I mean, you you have an Orioles fan and colspan because you know you’re in Baltimore, I grew up a Mets fan or die, oldest fan, whatever, because I grew up on Long Island in New York. And, you know, a lot of it had to do with geography a lot of it had to do with, you know, it was it was it was a family heirloom. I mean, if your grandfather, your father was a, there was a Giants fan, you were probably a Giants fan. That’s just the way it was. You see that you’ve seen that over over time, evolve in New York? I mean, I think very similar to what you’re describing with the Orioles, there was a lot of football fan attrition when I was growing up in the 70s, because the Jets and the Giants were so terrible. So I mean, it was it. And so it was not unusual, like in your group of friends. You’d be a Steelers fan of Dolphins fan a lot of Cowboys fans, obviously. But now it’s even more so because there’s access to everything. If you grew up in you know, if you grew up in Silver Springs, Maryland, you know, and you decide you want to be a chargers fan, you can watch all the Chargers groups, right? If you grew up in West Hempstead, New York, like I did, and decide that you want to be a Portland Trailblazers fan, because you’re a big Dane Winward fan, because one, you can watch all their games, too. And so there’s nothing, nothing. Traditional bindings are there anymore. And so I think that’s different also, but so I think it makes it even more amazing when a team like the Knicks, not so much this year, because they’ve been successful this year. But, you know, most of the last 25 years where they’ve been dispossessed been garbage, they still put 70 and 80,000 people in the in the stands, but a lot of that is tourists. You know, I mean, people from out of town and once you the garden, but there’s enough people who just keep the faith. And it’s weird, because the next specifically in between their two periods of prosperity, the 70s the great teams then in the 90s I mean, nobody went to the garden. I mean, you go to the garden when I was a kid and every seven 8000 people that you know, and you know, you’re the Mets when I was going to a Mets fan. I mean, in the awful days, the late 70s, early 80s I mean, you know, one one year 1979 They do 78,000 fans in New York City, you know, in a building that, you know, a couple of years later would draw three and 4 million people.

Nestor Aparicio  14:12

I thought a crane poll was more interesting than that. To blame me I mean, and you know, John Stern’s all those guys, right?

Mike Vaccaro  14:18

I mean, you’re gonna give defined my childhood from about 1974 to about 1986. We’re so


Nestor Aparicio  14:25

there’s a lot more Felix me on there than there is, you know, Mookie Wilson, my neighbor and all

Mike Vaccaro  14:31

the kids wanted to be fix me on Shokan up and get the bat, you know, I mean, he was he was our guy, you know, and a lot of ways look, I mean, you know, when I look back on my fandom, okay, I mean, I was a lot more I found a lot more enjoyable when my teams stunk. I mean, but that’s just, you know, me I mean, but also as a fan in those years. I mean, I wasn’t really investing much I went to one game a year I watched the game on free TV and let’s do it on radio. It’s like different situation. Now for fans. The fans are expected to pay up more now and you know, So as a result, they’re more demanding. And they should be more demanding because they’re part of the product now. He

Nestor Aparicio  15:07

is Mike for Karola. You can read his work out on the interwebs and the New York Post and NY Post and all of the comings and goings of New York sports. He’s it caught in the crosshairs of every Aaron Rodgers rumor that leads to a Lamar Jackson rumor and all that, you know, again, I guess from the columnist standpoint, and accountability, and ownership and to your point, what the Jets have put their fans through and what the Giants have put their fans through lately and I’m a you know, an apostle to Ernie Accorsi, Ernie was a little bit of a crazy uncle to me back in the day. So it was George Young, he was the mean school teacher, uncle, as I’m sure you remember. But you know, they were run by Baltimore people for years. And we didn’t even have a franchise after Ernie left art, all of that beat them in the Superbowl now 22 years ago, but that the accountability for the younger Steinbrenner for the Mets ownership groups that have come and gone now and now that they’re onto a new thing, that there’s something about you as a columnist and everyone in New York, that really, the owners are always in the spotlight, whereas the creek that’s on the baseball team, and now this kid that was born on third the thinks he hit a triple jumping out this week, John Angelos has been in the media four or five times in the last five days. That’s five more times and his old man has been in since he got booed on Cal Ripken night. 9095 Literally, literally, sure.

Mike Vaccaro  16:31


No, it’s true. I mean, look, and you know, I think it’s part it’s part of the reason why owners become owners in the first place. At least this is the case in New York. You know, I mean, Steve Cohen could, you know, live a pretty happy life, with $15 billion in a savings account, bought an island, anything you want to do? And maybe some people know, he was the inspiration for acts on billions, but the fact is, I mean, he was living a fairly anonymous life, you know, and now he’s not now he can’t go anywhere without being recognized. Now, everybody knows Steve Cohen is now whenever the best to well, it’s your Steve Cohen’s Mets. And when you know the Mets are struggling Mets have lost last few games and that by the way, by the score 19 And nothing the Brewers so you know, maybe it’s not so great for you to be having the Steve Cohen mess right now for Steve Cohen, but guys become owners because it’s because they it allows them an opportunity to be known, you know, and in ways that other businesses just do not. And so as a result of that, the flip side of that, is that we we know hey we care about them and their targets and their targets of praise, you know, when things go well, and target to score and when things don’t because ultimately, ultimately everybody hates their boss right I mean, in the end of the day, they don’t hate their boss they you know, they they they they they’ve got issues with their boss and sports team owners are the ultimate bosses because you know, they’re there they’re easy to to to rail against when things are bad and easy to think when things go well I mean, as much as much fans despite despise the Wilpon ownership of the media magical run in 2015 and game five of the World Series you know what you didn’t hear much Wilpon bashing for at least six months after that.

Nestor Aparicio  18:09

Well yeah, a little bit of time and then then it wears off he you think a championship I think gives you five year Halo but it really doesn’t. Mike you know for for me in Baltimore we have these two teams, the ravens are really a miracle right like Jack Kent Cooke never one of them here we had to go steal a team. It’s all the money all of that then the Nationals happened and all this money was supposed to float to fund the Orioles and keep guys like Manny Machado here and all that. And the old man just screwed it up. Now we have Fredo shotty is disappear, you know, threw me out disappeared, stopped doing press conferences, once Ray Rice connected with his wife’s jaw on the glass elevator that they’ve gone in a different direction as an organization without they treat the media, the fans accountability, any of that stadium has a lot of empty seats, the football stadium dirty little secret. It’s not what it used to be. But the feeling for me with the shoddy after 20 years in the Angelus family after 30 years, and we’ve now moved from where it’s going to be a guy who has a boat was a Maryland fan, and a lawyer that sued people to hit the lottery to corporations, right like this $7 billion thing that’s about to happen with the commander’s that’s gonna lead the wherever Bashaud he’s gonna go because he’s not doing it to his kids. There’s going to be two other owners in Baltimore at some point. work for you. This is the column this part, what should it what’s a good owner to go in? comes in, he’s anonymous. What? How do you take over the mess, become famous and do a good job? What’s a good owner in 2023?

Mike Vaccaro  19:40

Honestly, in some ways, you gotta be lucky. I mean, I think because, you know, for Cohen, everything he does is gonna be defined in the fact that he’s paying for your infantry $7 million for his team this year. So if he wins, you almost can’t win. You can’t win because well of course you’re gonna win you have Darth Vader off, and if you lose his little suddenly break out the old was tea money can buy scenario. So it’s almost almost almost lose. But I think we should do and I think what Cohen has done specifically I’ll speak to him is that is that what he’s done is he’s tried to set up a new thing, one for him as a separate infrastructure of how to do things. Well, he’s borrowed from teams that do well, the Dodgers were maybe the maybe the Orioles can spark can’t aspire to be with the Dodgers are because they just don’t have the resources. But the Mets can. So they can have, you know, the best analytics team in place, they can have the best scouting team in place, they can have a lot of checks and balance system, just because you know, the owner can afford to pay for No, and that’s, that’s the primary advantage that people look at owners and say, well, it gives me any players they want. But to me the successful operations are good operations. So if you look at the very best franchises and sports, they not only have really good players who are making the teams competitive every year, but they have really good front office types who are were top a lot of what they do more cutting edge weren’t afraid of new of new systems and new thoughts and new ideas. And going right down. I mean, again, we were talking about that they have smart PR people who understand that, that while ours is a contentious relationship, I mean, they can still even do that in 23. It’s helpful to have, you know, a favorable column in the newspapers, it’s good to have favorable chatter on talk radio. They don’t have to generate all of the good news themselves in their own house organ operations. I mean, good PR people understand that even if, you know maybe you weren’t, I don’t have the, the Uber influenced that maybe Dick Jung or John Steadman had, you know, generations couple of generations ago. It’s still good to have a working relationship with the press, always antagonistic relationship with the press. You know, I know what you’ve got through with the with the Ravens. I mean, you know, we’ve all gone through it up here with the Knicks, who were just you know, they were on the worst media operation in the world. And it kills them they don’t they’re just too dumb to realize that it kills them. Jalen Brunson is having one of the great seasons in the league this year. Nobody knows who he is what he does what he’s doing, because the next operate their PR department, you know, as if they’re living in Des Moines. It’s silly and it’s going counterproductive. It’s going to cost Jalen Brunson probably the most improved player award and probably a spot on one of the three all NBA teams and it’s just ridiculous.

Nestor Aparicio  22:15

The guy who runs it, that’s the way he wants the media treated. That’s how


Mike Vaccaro  22:19

he wants to be treated. Right? It all it all devolves from one person’s warped view of what the media is because he’s gotten ripped in the papers, because he deserved to get American painting. No, no, this happens.

Nestor Aparicio  22:31

But he’s also gotten praised in the paper to maybe not for that half ass band I saw with Henley a couple years ago, but you know,

Mike Vaccaro  22:37

I mean, like Yeah, it’s true to a degree and look, I mean, I get it he I mean in fact, he’s just he looks at the scoreboard and he sees the media lying against him because he’s done a lot of dumb things and required immediately to criticize it that’s how it works

Nestor Aparicio  22:51


well that’s why the Orioles I mean come on how could you not criticize the Orioles every over 30 years if you had your eyes open? You know literally

Mike Vaccaro  22:59

oh it’s so so it’s it’s often people say well the media so negative or you know I necessarily this is what I live by people say all you want is clicks only one is people to sell newspapers. Well a yes. How do you think we make our money we make our money from clicks and I mean you know, we were not a nonprofit here but they say well you just do it for to be negative. I got news for you know, we’ve been when when the teams around here good. That’s good for business for our business. You know, when the Mets are in the World Series, you can’t find a paper because they’ve all been sold out. Like I’ve

Nestor Aparicio  23:30

seen a steep a shoddy, have you seen my work? Do you think I want you to lose? Like what benefit is it been to Peter Angelos and destroyed the city for 30 years. My last name is Aparicio. This is Joe started with baseball, you know, like and which brings me full circle Yankees. Where are you? We talk Mets Mets Mets Yankees are the ones here. It’s fascinating. I’m going to New York columnist and all we talked about some Mets

Mike Vaccaro  23:56

were just funny because the owners I mean, you know, you talked about the Steinbrenner family specifically look George’s over the top. He loved the back page, you know, I mean, he he’s the guy who got it. He really was the old school and said, I don’t care if you rip me You’re You’re praising me as long as you’re talking about and it’s all matters. And so that’s, you know, that’s catnip for reporters. His son is very much the other way he’s you know, he’s he’s a he’s a good he seems like a very good guy because it must be at the gnome. But he’s just he did he does not sees the spotlight in any way shape or form, doesn’t want the spotlight and certainly isn’t inclined to be like his father, which is to be over the top financially. Now. He’s got more people to answer to than his father did but I mean, you know, but but but looking. Here’s the thing about the Yankees though. You’re right. I mean, it’s funny because people criticize Steinbrenner all the time and I laugh and criticize Brian Cashman gonna laugh at me. Oh, the Yankees got has gotten the playoffs. You know, something like, you know, 22 tags last yard or four jobs last 25 years, something like that. That’s pretty good. You know? think they’re doing it every year, they wouldn’t they won five championships. It’s 96. I always


Nestor Aparicio  25:03

think it’s like somebody that’s been to all those World Series games back in the Tory era. And I mean, I did all of it a dozen times. I thought that if I were me and a Yankee fan I Billy Crystal hat on, I’d be able to board with it. You know what I mean? Like they went through much. Yeah, I

Mike Vaccaro  25:19

mean, I think even Yankees fans would admit that they get spoiled. Because they’ve been they’ve been encouraged to move the Yankees own mission statement tells you that if they don’t win a championship every year, it’s not a good year. You know, I think that’s a pretty impossible standard but you know, good for them that that’s I’d rather have that was a fan than somebody who you’re questioning whether they really care one way or the other. And look, if you’ve never been up you there’s never been a question with the Yankees that you know, they care. And the people who can even look at me Hal Steinbrenner isn’t as out there as George was. But you look at you he wants to win. He wants another chance to another championship. He wants to know the parade. He does. You know, he just doesn’t do it the same way as Father do.

Nestor Aparicio  25:57

Like the Carroll does it in the way that Oscar Madison did and in the way that John Steadman and all the greats do it, the New York Post, you can follow him out there. It’s good to see you back doing what you’re doing holding the power. You hold the Accountable power, and I appreciate you coming on always been a good guy on the show. I’m sorry, I will run into you and press boxes, but maybe we’ll get a seat in Yankee Stadium out there or one of those $9 nights and see Nestor I didn’t even ask you about Nestor Cortez. I’m the author Nestor now my

Mike Vaccaro  26:27


depends. I mean, I think he’s got some work to do Nestor. But yeah, he’s he’s put it put it this way. He honors your name. Well, because he’s a good he’s not only good at what he does. He’s also a good guy.

Nestor Aparicio  26:37

You know what I tell him that I loved him when he was here, the 10 minutes he was here and his era was infinity that I championed him. And I told everybody that Nestor was going to come back and haunt the Orioles. So we’ll see. Mike McKerrow here, New York Post. We’re doing the Maryland crab cake tour costs and fade Lee’s and then next week on Thursday we are at Papist come on out to well on the 13th up to Bel Air and join us our friends at window nation our friends at the Maryland lottery I’ll be giving away some scratches. We’ve had some cool winners on this instant lottery thing to cost this and it fails. We are wn st ar 1570, Towson Baltimore. We never stop talking Baltimore positive

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