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Rick Dempsey

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Let Rick Dempsey tell you how the Orioles can win the whole thing

As busy as ever opening a new Baseball Warehouse in Columbia, the Orioles 1983 World Series MVP joined Nestor for a chat about the love of Baltimore baseball, the fun of fantasy camp in Florida and another championship parade for our long-suffering Birdwatchers.

#DearOrioles, Business, C-Suite, ColumnNes, Featured, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports

Dear John and Louis Angelos: Are you a Rocky – or a Bullwinkle?

The sons of Peter Angelos got a “Dear Orioles” letter from Nestor back in July 2018 encouraging them to step forward and run a legitimate local baseball franchise. Now in the aftermath of the Kevin Brown suspension fiasco at MASN, any sensible fan would realize what we’re up against as a community with a born-on-third and thinks he hit a triple Fredo with a penchant for punishment like his old man.

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