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Pomp and circumstance: the WNST Sweet 16 Best High School Athletes in Baltimore history


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When Glenn Clark handed this list to me it came with a warning: “You’re going to upset some people this week” is how he presented the daunting task of naming the Sweet 16 High School Athletes in Baltimore history.

He was right. So many names. So many sports. So many nuances and a complete lack of a “criteria” given the generations and the benefit of a 20-20 hindsight after seeing the further life accomplishments of many local athletes. There were boys and girls, and many athletes who excelled at more than one sport.

A case can be made for hundreds of local jocks over a dozen different sports but this is the best I could do. Feel free to argue amongts yourselves or to give me a hard time in social media. This was a tough, tough list:

Now…onto No. 16…

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