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Allyson Yospe and Kim Schmulowitz educate Nestor on modern Susan G. Komen Foundation progress at State Fare in Catonsville on “A Cup Of Soup Or Bowl Week” for the Maryland Food Bank.


breast cancer, komen, pink, susan, years, talk, maryland, david, friends, alison, wife, day, crab cake, walk, ravens, super bowl, give, tickets, baltimore, minnesota


Nestor J. Aparicio, Kim Schmulowitz, Allyson Yospe

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome back. We are live at State Fair. We’re in Catonsville in the 21228 on Frederick road, not the fairgrounds in Timonium for John Rollo or Marco cask. Anybody else looking for us? It has been a wonderful morning to start with. I have friends coming this afternoon. I have friends here now. Bill coal from coal roofing will be here this afternoon Kirby Fowler is coming by from the Maryland Zoo. A man go through the whole list of we began today with Carmen del Cueto. We have folks here from Center for Hope Children’s Home is here. I think I’m pronouncing itineraries right Sharp Dressed Man sisters for hope. National Kidney Foundation. LLS I’m gonna cry in that segment cure bass is going to be your four o’clock Somebody get me a drink. Evans already offered me cocktails here, Evan, I need a new state fair shirt. This one’s I’ve been wearing it too much and it’s wearing out. And Caitlin Kirby is going to be here from Catonsville emergency assistance to take our hall are our Maryland Food Bank Hall and keep it here in the community. So brought to you by our friends at the Maryland lottery. 10 times the cash. I’m like Oprah you get a ticket. You get a lottery ticket. Everybody get a lottery ticket when donation 866 90. Nation 0% financing for the next five years. I’m getting doors. Yeah, you can get Windows but I’m getting doors this year because I got Windows two years ago. And I want to give Leonard Raskin a special shout out because he’s slumming it right now. He couldn’t be here. He’s on the beach in Malaya and Maui and I feel terrible that he couldn’t make it. But I think he’s gonna be alright. It’s a 30 day anniversary. Rascon global empowering you to choose your financial future and giving you a crab mallet with a beer opener on the side Gucci. So I do this crazy crab cake tour that begat the crab cake row that began the fundraiser with the cans for the Maryland Food Bank today, all week long. And I’m doing this crazy marathon thing with friends and baseball players and all sorts of stuff. And part of it really got inspired by you as a bunch of things. There was a trail of things happening. And I’ve done a lot of charity community like 30 years of doing this or whatever. But I don’t know anything lately other than just segments, right? Like, you want to promote Susan G or B. komen. You find me and Alison yassky has been my friend for as long as the Ravens have been the Ravens. I don’t know. You’re one of the first 10 employees. I’m thinking when David came here and felt that way anyway. And I was at Coco’s doing the crab cake tour with received my co host with a que, but three, four months ago and you were there like getting a crab cake because you know what’s good when you’re in the neighborhood, right? And I barely recognize you’re like, I’m like, I know, you’re like Alison Raven, I’m like, What are you doing? You’re like, I’m doing a charity thing. Picking up check in school did a thing over here and I’m like, I haven’t done a thing like that. I want to get groceries for the food bank too, and do good things. And between this and that, and the Ravens in Vegas and the Super Bowl and a couple of Super Bowl. You were one of the first people because I owed you a call. You gave me a card. We hit each other on the Facebook and I’m like, I owe you a segment. And then when I started putting this idea together, you were like top your Top 10 Top of mine because I’m like I owe you a call. I owe you a segment you got something going on. So this whole 100 charity thing. You were in my top 10 on that list to saying alright that I’ll go I’ll snicker her and to communicate in Israel and being a guest on the show. So Alison Yasumi is here from Susan G. Scheck and G looks like a little bit like a C. G.


Kim Schmulowitz  03:27

Komen komen. Hi, I’m Miss. I’m Kim. I’m here. I’m a local here in Catonsville. They’re

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:32

pink doubt, man, they’re you know, I would have worn my pink today. I wore some blue today. We brought you up here. Alison, everybody around me and told me that how long you’ve been knowing each other and how we met?

Allyson Yospe  03:45

Well, first, I’m so lucky and thankful that I inspired even part of this and wouldn’t make that up. I have to shout out to Montebello, elementary and middle school because that is you air I was doing a check presentation that day, they raised almost $2,000 to benefit our more than pink walk. So they’re awesome Jackie and principal Mitchell, and all the kids, teachers students, we really appreciate them and that is why I ran into you that day. So it was karma all do gooders, and things like that.

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:22


Worked for Susan G. Komen, would I wear pink every day? I

Allyson Yospe  04:27

mean a lot. Mary Kay rep. I mean, our whole thing is more than pink. Because we’re all about spreading awareness. And I always

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:34

thought the pink baseball bats will do they got dipped in Pepto Bismol I was kind of fun. Yeah. Kim, what’s your what do you what do you? What do you do? What’s your role? Allison?

Allyson Yospe  04:42

I am a development director for the DMV tri state area and I essentially do fundraising. So I am out there meeting with great folks in the community getting them to participate in our fundraisers are more than pink walk or big wigs campaign that Coming up. We have lots of great active donors, team captains, participants. And we just want to grow that so that we can fund our incredible mission to, ultimately the end breast cancer.


Kim Schmulowitz  05:17

And I work I’ve been with coming for about 14 years now. And I work for the marketing department. I actually am the Social Media Manager. I manage all of our social media pages. But Alison brought me along because I’m me. I’m here in Cape Town. I’ll tag it. So what’s really weird is big. He’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:32

looking at us. Yeah, he’s big. He’s like looking a little weird. On us here, you know. It’s funny. Yeah. I think everybody knows about Susan G. Komen, even though it’s not Susan B. Anthony.

Kim Schmulowitz  05:47

Funny story about Susan’s ccbst thing, you’re not the first one who’s made, of course has made that mistake. We get it all the time. And, you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month in one October I was in a local 711 Getting a cup of coffee or something. And they had pink doughnuts for breast cancer awareness. And somebody sprinkles. Yeah. And somebody in the seven elevens said, hey, look, they’ve got them sitting b&e, doughnuts.

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:10


Close, close. would appreciate that. Dan Roderick, he loves those. Now, I promise you I will add that to the show next. Where did Susan I mean, obviously you guys had some issue years ago like this has been going on 30 years, right. Like

Kim Schmulowitz  06:27

little more than that. Susan G. Komen has been around since 1982. So we just celebrated our 40th anniversary. So we’ve been around about 42 years in Maryland, the Susan G. Komen. At that time, it was raised for the Cure started as a hot Valley thing in 1993. And it was in Baltimore from 1993 to 2007. And it was in Hunt Valley for 10 years.

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:47

See you guys did a good job I look I’ve been on radio 32 years, this is not my first time trying to figure out what the Susan B Anthony’s EG, you know, I’m really, I guess the modern part of this is what you’re doing now and every time and this will be for any of the nonprofit’s I talked to COVID changed everything, right, like just a general sense of what people wanted to do in 2018 and 19. And what the plans for all of us were in 2020. And then sort of a regrouping of the things right. Luckily,

Kim Schmulowitz  07:14

you know, when 2020 came, obviously all our in person events had to push pause. So and that was really for a year or two, because even at 2021, a lot of our population is immunocompromised. So it was slow for us to come back. But now we’re fully back in person, but we’ve consolidated some things and in that time, and so now we have a walk that is in the serves the entire DMV area, and it’s in Washington DC but we have a lot of people from Baltimore, come on down to one


Nestor J. Aparicio  07:40

the cherry blossoms are falling because it looks like cherry blossom. What is your walk? Our walk

Allyson Yospe  07:44

is September 8, it’s not cherry blossom. Freedom Plaza is the

Nestor J. Aparicio  07:48

Washington football team, you know, in three usually.



So you have

Allyson Yospe  07:56

to have folks that come from Virginia and from Maryland as well. But for those that don’t want to make the journey we also have a walk where you are, which is our national walk. And so like last year, I met up with some folks that walked in Greenspring Valley. We have a great big team at Pepsi that did something in Howard County. Nice. They did their own walk that day in October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month as well.

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:22

Hey, going down to DC I do my walk right here.

Kim Schmulowitz  08:25

My seat b&e Donuts. Kevin


Nestor J. Aparicio  08:27

Allison are here from Susan G. Komen. Give me the whole why pig and what you do. My wife had cancer twice my sister in law’s had breast cancer, like cancers everywhere. We’ve been talking about it all week. What is the modern version of suit? Because I I know it’s been a while since I’ve had you on I and I know it’s pink and I know it’s cancer. And I know she must have been a nice lady. Yeah, I don’t. But I don’t know the story. She tells

Kim Schmulowitz  08:51

Susan G. Komen started in 1982. Because in a few years before that Susan G. Komen died from metastatic breast cancer at the age of 36. This was in the 70s in the late 70s. She had it she died and I know hey, if you had breast cancer and what was the mortality rates were a lot worse than they are now thanks to Susan G. Komen. And so her sister Nancy Brinker promised her sister she would do everything she could to end breast cancer. So she started with a shoebox full of contacts, kind of like you Nestor. She knew a lot of people in town and said, I’m going to Iowa

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:22

new Johnny and Mark back in the day expands

Kim Schmulowitz  09:25


right and so she was able to create this incredible organization and for her namesake and now we are the leading breast cancer organization in the world. We are the largest fundraiser of breast cancer research, the largest nonprofit fundraiser of breast cancer research outside of the federal government, we’ve given more than a billion dollars to research. But in addition, we also fund patient care. We’ve given $2.2 billion and Patient Support Services brought the numbers right well, they went all the time so I got

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:58

the Super Bowl for today. be seven years. And everybody like you would be a handler who had a piece of paper, some celebrities sit down, I’m like, okay, the numbers are nice, but what can I do? How can I help?

Kim Schmulowitz  10:09

You know, and that’s often and that’s what we see people, we, you know, we like to talk about the numbers that people want to know how they can help. And they can get involved in a variety of ways. Obviously, we raise funds so that we can provide patient support. And after COVID, we changed our method of patient support, we’re now anybody in the country anywhere can come straight to comment, and get direct funding. People in treatment, people who are living with metastatic breast cancer can get funds to help them with everyday living. And then in addition, we still fund research. We also fund patient advocacy, where we go and lobby, local and national government for better public policies for breast cancer patients. So to make sure

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:48

it’s come a long way with proton and radiating like you told me 14 years long time, I mean, my wife, it’ll, it’ll be 10 years for my wife with leukemia on March 20, and my wife Grace that to transplants, but I wonder even that technology because I what I saw in the hospital 10 years ago, it moved me to do all this Baltimore positive stuff. And you know, he’s a sports guy, right? I’m seeing these nurses and doctors keep my wife alive. I’m like, why am I fighting with this creep owns the baseball team. You know what, let’s do something better like this. Right. And I put I, I, it was unbelievable how scientific testing blood testing coming back. I mean, her neutrophil I mean, all of these things. And I’m thinking breast cancer is one of those things that if you’re a woman now and you get breast cancer, and I see you on my timeline, I feel like you’re probably going to be okay, it’s gonna be awful. It’s going to be terrible, but you’re probably going to be okay. Same thing is true about ALS, children’s leukemia, they find a better way of solving that than they ever would have 3040 years ago, but I don’t know what 14 years does. Yeah, your industry.


Kim Schmulowitz  11:55

You know, komen has been responsible for about 3000 discoveries since the beginning. But and certainly the breast cancer mortality rate has gone down. And last 40 years since 1989, we’ve been able to reduce the breast cancer mortality rate by 42%. But we still have a lot of work to do. So 44 43,000 People will probably die of breast cancer in the US in 2024. And that, obviously is a big number horrific. So we still have a lot of work to do. And still, even with all the education we’ve done over the years, a lot of people feel like hey, we know with all the pink and all the October we know of to get our mammograms, but really only 67% of people with insurance get a mammogram though.

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:35

Me now my wife gets in the prostate thing with me. Yeah. Where to blue hat. You know, every time my wife gets your boobies checked, it’s uncomfortable, right? I mean, it’s kind of like the going to be in the dude and like, rubber gloves, Dr. Salmon. But it’s necessary. And every woman I know, more than anything. They I think they fear breast cancer, because it’s so when you’re because of the job y’all done and football baseball, that they realize, and every woman I know knows a woman that’s had it. And a lot of times it’s all she ran, she’s healthy. She didn’t do that. Well, heredity, hereditary issues are there. And the early detection part. That’s probably where it’s really gotten crazy, because I’ve heard a woman say I got an 89% chance. I’m getting fixed now. And um, yeah, you know, get this taken care of. I didn’t hear any of that last century for sure. I’m old

Kim Schmulowitz  13:28

enough. Right, right. So about one in eight women in the US will get breast cancer in her lifetime. So we all are going to know somebody or if not personally be affected by it. And so the fear

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:37


leads to get examined, right. Yeah, knowledge of it, right. Yeah,

Allyson Yospe  13:41

absolutely. Whether or not you have a family history. I mean, only

Kim Schmulowitz  13:46

20% of only 20% of breast cancers are hereditary. So even if, for example, I was genetically tested, my mom died of ovarian cancer, ovarian breast cancer share a gene component link. So I was genetically tested, and I was broken and wanted to negative. So but that doesn’t mean I won’t get breast cancer, I still have other risk factors. I’m overweight, I probably don’t get enough exercise. And also sometimes you can do everything right and you still get breast cancer. So I’m still going to get my mammograms every year, I’m still going to know my normal, which is what we encourage people to do if they don’t notice any changes in their breasts at all. We joke is not just lumps, you know, one nipple is used to point down and outpointing up. If anything happens puckering. dimpling discharged from your nipple, you need to go and see your doctor right away to get that checked out. And so if because, as you mentioned, early treatment, as well as early detection, I’m sorry, as well as effective treatment is what’s going to lead to the best outcomes and why we have more than 300,000 breast cancer survivors in the country right now.

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:49

Can we talk about dumb stuff like football? Yeah, let’s do it. We do that and I want to get back. I met you through the ravens and then all these years later, we’re doing this and that I mean both s’mores cool. I mean, you were great friends with an ex girlfriend of mine that I dated for many. But like Baltimore’s cool like that run into somebody and then you ate what are you doing? What are you doing to help you? How can I help you? That’s really where it’s at. But it really for you and I it started with, there was no ravens, I might not have met you, right, for sure. What you do for the Ravens. I mean, I always think of you and Aaron Cashman and David Koch, and all of those people who were all nice to me. And then then I started going after that, and being treated like dirt, like literally being treated by dirt by the people who took your jobs and having a shoddy sanction. It’s been the fact that I’m sitting here right now as gross. Like, it’s awesome. But the fact that they have called around to the National Football League to dirty me up. So this I’m doing this instead of sitting with Dan Marino on radio, I miss all of you. I missed that energy. I see that flying bee and I hand out copies of Purple Rain one. I know that’s tough thing for you to tell that story in a minute. But you were you were no G girl. I mean, you are like purple Barney outfit selling PSLs all the stuff that you know, no offense to Chad’s do. But the road was paved by women like this, and the people who did the work, not the people who came in here, and sort of rode the coattails of the work that had been done. So I want to give you the respect that you deserve. Because you know what, I cried twice about David on Monday, because I had the Hope Lodge over and I lost my ish talking about it. And it got me angry thinking of what David would think of all this. And they brought this team here to be a community asset not to give Chad Steele license to throw radio station off a radio row. So all these years later, I have even more appreciation for not just the modells but for the people that they brought in. I


Allyson Yospe  16:44

appreciate that. Um, it was it was a it was a fun time. I do I am one of the oh geez, I was your role.

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:51

What was your title? Important. Your title was anything David, they asked you to do is what you did probably right. Yeah. What No, that’s not my job. Yeah, you know, not my department, John Harbaugh and Eric d’acosta. But, but it was a beautiful place. It was like, there was this spunky startup spirit and David was pissed because of the Cleveland thing it would happen his dad that he wanted it to be great here and it frickin was man. It was great. Well,

Allyson Yospe  17:19

a lot of the entertainment and the pregame entertainment, the in game entertainment, all of the things are really a tribute to David and the modelling. John John, you know that? Oh, yeah, it was it was a fun time. I mean, and it was I was in the marketing department. So I helped out with I grow at oppo I hatched egg round, and I actually knew it. I actually named them and helped create them and was responsible.

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:54


Yep. Did you do that? I don’t know. You don’t want to brag about but humble brag. I didn’t know you named that girl and

Allyson Yospe  18:00

I created the hospitality village. Also this whole Jason’s around

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:04

everything. He would have more pretty cheerleaders you would have more band. He wouldn’t born he had he wanted more tailgating. He wanted he wanted more media. He wanted more everything. Yeah. Free mascots. What the hell? Nobody has three mascot. I can see Davidson. That’s a hell of an idea. I will

Allyson Yospe  18:18

actually tell you the story. He wanted a whole flock of Magi would laugh at that. And I I was like, I don’t I’m like very capable. But I don’t know how I’m gonna. Literally one night I woke up in the middle of the night. And I said, if we named them Edgar Allan Poe. I only have to do three. And I went in the next day and told David Koch that and he said, great idea. You go tell him because his office was next door appointed next door. I went in


Nestor J. Aparicio  18:53

the big office in the corner with the spread. Ah, yeah.

Allyson Yospe  18:57

Yeah. And I went in. And he said, great idea. Like can’t make it happen. Now we can. Yeah, that’s pretty cool. Yeah, nicknames for everybody. Yeah.

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:09

Let’s make me smile. Not cry was just don’t make me cry. Yeah. He called me into his office in January 1999. And I was there picking up tickets for the NFC Championship game in Minnesota. They were arts tickets are bought tickets in every stadium in the league. And he bought every playoff ticket, whether you use it or not, because he supported the other owners. He was of the era where we all buy season tickets for each other. And maybe we give them to somebody or you know, whatever. Somebody in that town. And Baker was running, Roy Roy was running tickets, but Baker was involved. It was Roy at the time. And I went down to the Signet building up into the little tower there at where’s that that’s is that light and Baltimore wherever that corner was in that building, and went up to the corner. That’s

Allyson Yospe  19:55


how long you liked that.

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:57

Tower. You like that? So I went up there and was snowing sideways outside was It was January and I had to make a decision whether I was going to go to the AFC Championship game or the NFC Championship game because I was gonna go as a fan, not not as a media member but as a fan that was going to do the Super Bowl the next week and we stunk we were no good. Vinny was with the jets that year it was going to be the Jets quarterback. I had never been to the Mile High state and original still have never been the Mile High Stadium. It’s gone now the original one. So that decision was I really want I really wanted to go to Denver because I wanted to go to Mile High Stadium and I knew Vinny a little bit so it’s a little piece of action there. And the other thing was going to Minnesota to the Vikings. Falcons game. And David had something with me where he called me down I was getting tickets and we make joked about where I was going or something like that. And I went and I said I really want to go to Denver the game has cigar he called me his office and he says you’re going to miss and I said don’t want to get into so it’s cold. I’ve been to that dome. I saw the Super Bowl there you know I don’t want to go to our future head coach is going to be in Minnesota. So you need to go to Minnesota if you want to meet our edge coach gonna be Brian Billick. So he told me who the coach was gonna do. This is volatile. I’m gonna there’s no internet, but I’m on. Yes, sir. I now have information nobody has. And he said, Dad wants to hire Terry of Donna unio UCLA Coach, and we’re going to interview Chris, whatever his name was the offensive coordinator. He became the Jaguars coach and flail. He was awful. I don’t remember his last name. That’s how awful it was as a coordinator. And he said to me, Brian Baelish a leader a man, you’re gonna go there. He’s gonna be our next head coach. So I went to Minnesota. With my buddy Scotty P. We went to a Minnesota basketball game at the barn. It was four degrees. We went to the rain. We went to the stadium. I was going to the Super Bowl that next week. And the Vikings were up 10 points with two minutes and 30 seconds left to go. So he wasn’t going to get hired because he was going to have to go be the head coach or be the offensive coordinator, the Vikings and somehow they lost the football game in the last few minutes to go awful loss. We think our AFC, I talked to Brian about it last week. And I went down and I met Brian and I walked up to Brian and I said my name is Nestor Aparicio. I’m about to become your new best friend. First thing I ever said to Brian, he just lost him to game. And we joke about it all these years later, but the only reason I was there was David told me he was hiring Brian. Okay, so that’s why I went to Brian. And Brian looked at me and Brian looks down young man, you know, young man, you know all that. And he like looked at me. He’s like, what’s the am radio guy doing here knowing that, like, I pulled him up three times after the game. I said, you’re coming to Baltimore, right? He’s like, you can tell Mr. modell? I’ll be there tomorrow. That’s what he said to me when I left. And I called Kevin Burke from the airport. I said, Kevin, I just met your next Tech coach. Kevin’s like, what’s the like now they golf together and I will talk to Kevin anymore so so all these years like Well, Kevin in South Carolina, he’s never here. So I you know, I don’t get invited back all the alarms and all that stuff. So when I run into loved ones like you because I can’t run into David, and I do run into Michelle sometimes and I run into various people. That was a time in my life and your life that was like crazy special to be a part of the beginning of the Raiders. I

Allyson Yospe  23:19

do and social media helps here. I do stay in touch with some of those. Oh, geez. Like Aaron and I read last

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:25

year for the first time and we just pull we were at a networking event and there are 1000 people there and we ran in each other and it was over. We’re in the court. You know, how are you? How are you? I’m not getting any work done. But I it’s good to see you. You know, I love all those people. Man. That was just one of the best times in my life. It was it was a miracle. And I’m hoping the Orioles rebirth can be this much fun.


Allyson Yospe  23:46

I sincerely hope so. There’s some good folks there and speaking of the Orioles MLB is there and the Orioles been very philanthropic to season.

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:56

You football to right. I mean catch a crucial catch

Kim Schmulowitz  24:02

is crucial catch but they choose their own charity you can choose but you can do whatever charity you want.

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:07


At the baseball bat speed tip that was you right in the pink?

Allyson Yospe  24:10

Well MLB does Mother’s Day promotion with us. So the Orioles have been very generous donors. Mother’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:16

Day. Yeah. Okay, good. Well, yeah, no, that’s for sure she people weren’t paying to the ballpark. So I’ll pick it up with you girls. Yeah,

Kim Schmulowitz  24:24

that’s that the MLB shares for every team they do a pink cat and then the sales from the pink cat benefit common. See,


Nestor J. Aparicio  24:31

I learned this everybody sees the pain catcher like well, I know it’s for breast cancer but what are we what’s really the the money being used in the research? Let’s just talk about that for a minute because I think that’s really how my you know the next life gets saved is this early detection but the science part of this has come so far that you shouldn’t be afraid you know, even if this happens to you, you want to know at a time so you can live right basically, right in the sunshine to get past the fear of the rubber gloves as a guy. I haven’t had the saying that I mean what they do. All I know is every woman I’ve ever known comes back and they’re like, kind of squished

Kim Schmulowitz  25:07

the mammograms or it’s really, it’s just I say it’s uncomfortable for a couple of minutes. It’s really a couple of minutes. It’s not invasive, that you shouldn’t be afraid of it. Okay. It’s not bad. It’s not bad at all. While

Nestor J. Aparicio  25:17

I’m a wuss, she’ll tell you. Yeah, you know, so you know, you just want to get people scared.

Kim Schmulowitz  25:21


One thing too, we want to should mention that men get breast cancer, too. It’s very rare. Only about 1% of all total breast cancers in the United States are of men, by men do, but men can. If they notice any changes, obviously, in their breast tissue, you should let your doctor know. And that’s how most of them are found. And unfortunately, men’s are often found later because you don’t get regular mammograms, because really, the it doesn’t behoove of men to get regular mammograms because the incidence rates so low. But obviously, if you do notice any changes in your breast tissue, you should let your doctor know. Thanks for

Nestor J. Aparicio  25:53

watching the dudes. Yeah,

Allyson Yospe  25:54

for sure. Self exams, knowing your body. I mean, I will just add to that, that I have. Since my time in sports marketing, I evolved into fundraising. And I’ve worked for lots of voluntary health nonprofits that I’ve been, fortunately and unfortunately, Mission connected with. But most recently, my mom already suffers with rheumatoid arthritis and other disabling ailments and illnesses. And right before COVID. She found a lump of herself, and we have no family history. And so you mentioned that your wife’s anniversary is March 20, march 19. My mom will be four years cancer free and as a survivor, thankfully, but also that was all from family,

Nestor J. Aparicio  26:42

right? Yeah, we go. Yeah. All right. Susan G. Komen. Not be G. Tell me where to go to find the information now that you guys get out of here because I got a stretch. One thing I got to do I got to stretch my back.


Kim Schmulowitz  26:53

Well, I’ll just tell you for any kind of breast cancer information that you need any resources, you’re going to go to or you’re going to call our helpline at 1877. Go komen, but and then I can tell you how to get involved on the local level.

Allyson Yospe  27:05

Yeah. We have a couple things coming up right away that I want to mention. First from February 15 to the 29th Walgreens is a big partner with ours and they’re doing a scannable code campaign where you can

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:19

do nationals we’ve given them a logo back

Allyson Yospe  27:23


and Walgreens that campaign benefits both Susan G komen and LLS so we partner, Mila Leslie so I wanted to mention that and then we have our big wigs campaign that’s coming up March 1 through eighth where across the East Coast, we’ll have folks that are signing on to be big wig that means wearing a fun festive pink wig for the week or the month if you choose and trying to raise Mrs. Roper you can dress however you want


to rope around because we got to get masters a big wig. Love you have your big wig there’s still time for you unless

Nestor J. Aparicio  28:01

people are trying to be get me to be Man of the Year not

Allyson Yospe  28:06

there and that’s a wonderful campaign but sitting on


Nestor J. Aparicio  28:09

my face right now.

Allyson Yospe  28:13

The man of the year you can be doing it with the pink wig and a lovely QR code fix my back Oh ever so they

Nestor J. Aparicio  28:20

gave me a pink bag. I’m very happy I’ve given them lottery tickets and we plug everything

Allyson Yospe  28:24


in layer more than pink walk is our signature campaign September 8, Freedom Plaza and DC wherever you are yes, you can sign up for our DC walk or walk where you are more than pink walk Visit us

Nestor J. Aparicio  28:43

oh my friends winter nation make me wear the funny wrap

Allyson Yospe  28:47

in here for you too. Which is our giveaway. So later we talking about theater. And that is our giveaway at more than pink walk.

Nestor J. Aparicio  28:58

Where is it? Should I put it on


Allyson Yospe  29:01

here lovely while this thing are inside?

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:05

Oh, she got we got a trick bag in here. It’s a bunch of stuff. Oh, and I

Allyson Yospe  29:09

forgot I brought you a VIP press catch off to and look

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:13


smart as she is bringing me a press credential here. It’s funny. I tried to tell the story the other day to my wife and you know, women don’t like the Three Stooges. But I said I am I’m like when Moe, Larry and curly visited Notre Dame Stadium. They weren’t figuring out how to sneak in and they saw the press guys walk in. And Moe goes up and he has a card it says press and Larry goes up and he says press and curly comes up and says you’re chasing them you know what I mean? So this I’m cool. I’m not press.

Allyson Yospe  29:54

VIP in Arabic and so our rash our neck gators represent our four pillars.

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:59

You You’re gonna have yeah it’s risky it’s a risky thing to do Mrs. Roper appreciate love ya I’ll be good. No one. John Martin ibraaz appreciate this for the Maryland lottery or friends of winter nation. 866 90 nation Jiffy Lube multi care. I’m getting the scoop. Wise marks we’re doing this for for our friends at the Maryland Food Bank. Carmen was here earlier. If you’re in the neighborhood where Catonsville where state fair, we’re gonna be you’re live to five o’clock today. And you it’s very simple. You bring stuff for them and we give you a cup of soup or bowl and they have Maryland crab. We’re going to have the cream of crab and the corn chowder. I got guests here I want to people waiting patiently here from the children’s home for my terrorists. At some point I’m gonna have to Kirby’s on the stage is Kirby here from State Fair and Kirby Fowler from the zoo. Bill Cole is going to be here, a whole bunch of friends and I’m going to cry in the four o’clock hour because we’re gonna talk about leukemia. I am Nestor we are wn St. We’re State Fair. Come by and eat free soup.

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