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Chronicling the long, ugly trail for black quarterbacks in NFL

Local author and longtime Baltimore sportswriter John Eisenberg tells Nestor the long, ugly trail for black quarterbacks in the NFL chronicled in his new book, “Rocket Men,” at Pappas in Parkville on the Maryland Crab Cake Tour.

Business, Community, Featured, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, Ravens, Sports, Sports News, Technology

Halfway through this football season, picking NFL winners is not easy

Just when Nestor gets on a little NFL pigskin pick ’em roll, a nasty 6-8 campaign turned his football weekend sour. Now 73-61-4 on the season, he joins sportsbook manager Christian Horton from Hollywood Casino Perryville to try to get back on track as the Ravens play twice this week in Baltimore.

Featured, Journalism & Media, Luke Jones, Nestor Aparicio, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

Ravens with a rare chance to bury rest of AFC North by end of next week

Quite a mini-week ahead with the upstart Browns and rejuvenated Bengals coming to Baltimore just four days apart as the rest of the NFL looks to the Ravens as a legitimate Super Bowl favorite. Luke Jones and Nestor discuss DeShaun Watson, Joe Burrow and what will stand in the way of the best laid purple plans before Thanksgiving.

Featured, Journalism & Media, Luke Jones, Nestor Aparicio, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

Plenty of work to be done by Ravens offense after win over Titans in London

It was a strange, morning game of short field goals and quick sand at the goal line for the Ravens offense. The men of John Harbaugh fared much better this time in London but it was far from a perfect performance as Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the purple escape from London with win over the Tennessee Titans.

Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Luke Jones, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

As Lions roar, the Ravens seek an offensive identity and consistency

After three straight games on the road with good results albeit choppy performances against mostly backup and second tier NFL quarterbacks, the Ravens host the upstart Detroit Lions downtown on Sunday. Luke Jones and Nestor assess the state and health of the team and the offensive problems in the red zone.

Featured, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

Getting humbled in Week 3 has us more focused for Cleveland

Every week of the NFL season, Nestor Aparicio will be making his football picks with Hollywood Casino sports book manager Christian Horton in Perryville. After a torrid start in the first two weeks, the third weekend wasn’t a charm as the fellas try to sort out the Ravens on the road for the next three weeks with injuries.

Authors and Books, Celebrities, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

Pastorini: For the glory of Luv Ya Blue and those Houston Oilers

As the swashbuckling quarterback of the Bum Phillips-era Houston Oilers, Dan Pastorini was Nestor’s favorite football player in his late 1970s childhood. Now, like many former Baltimore Colts here and abandoned by his franchise in Texas, Pastorini catches up on the Oilers uniform revival in Nashville, the pain of the Texans in Houston and how to Be An Angel.

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