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Nestor learns about the work of the Greater Baltimore Chamber of Commerce with Beth Rheingold and Ali Javier.

SUMMARY KEYWORDScrab cake, owings mills, ali, baltimore, revitalization, torben, beth, mural, market, armory, great, community, chamber, lexington, semi finalists, jerry, live, artists, judge, changeSPEAKERSBeth Rheingold, Nestor J. Aparicio, Ali Javier Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01Welcome back. We are live really live like walking the tightrope live where it fails at Lexington market. It is crabcake row. It is a cup of Super Bowl. We’re doing it all for the Maryland Food Bank. I’m running late on gas port Torben is gonna get up here at some point AON is gonna get up here. Beth is waiting her turn along with an ally. For the Maryland Food Bank, all we’re asking is that you bring goods for the Maryland Food Bank. We’re gonna keep it here local for the grace and hope mission. We had Karen by a little while ago, right down on Gay Street right here, downtown Baltimore going to cost us on Tuesday. We’re going to be Coco’s Wednesday, State Fair, Thursday and papists, Friday nine until five, I’m going to be live until I get kicked off the air until I lose my voice or till I have to be one of the one of those things is going to happen before Friday. So I’m brought to you by the Maryland lottery. Our friends at window nation. Everybody on the show gets free lottery ticket. There’s one for Ali. There’s one for Beth, a Jana and Torben and his group, they’re all gonna wind up getting free lottery tickets. I hope you win. 10 grand it is the 10x 10 times the cash. That’s what it says 10x But they want me call 10 times the cash. Our friends are window nation, 866 90 nation as well as Jiffy Lube, multi care and aspire by wise markets. And people bring bringing food in your wise markets bags, and I’m appreciative that I never met Beth and she is like, you were kind of thrilled to like, you’re like I finally get to meet you and I’m like I’m under duress. I’m gonna live radio stuffs work and I’m texting Jr, Savior and engineer. Everything’s fine now it’s calm. How will Beth Rheingold  01:31you meet you in person? Nestor J. Aparicio  01:32The Greater Baltimore Chamber of Commerce. That’s right. And this is Ali heavier who had the she said to me it’s che but it’s silent. And I’m like, Spanish? Yeah. The eight H heavier, heavier. Yep. Heavier. It’s a great name. might even have Yeah, yeah, Ali Javier  01:50it’s my husband’s was fine. Yeah. Nestor J. Aparicio  01:52That’s good. You gotta go to us. You work with the chamber as well? I do. Ali Javier  01:57I’m the project manager for revitalization and Nestor J. Aparicio  01:59Pikesville which you said you were the one getting everything done. Oh, well, that Beth Rheingold  02:02way she led getting everything done. Nestor J. Aparicio  02:05Well, look, we’re Baltimore positive but and you you’re the Greater Baltimore use. They have a different name for your group, right? Beth Rheingold  02:11We did Nestor we used to be pixel Owings Mills. We rebranded during the pandemic because we wanted everyone to feel like they were part of our chamber chamber and Greater Baltimore fit everybody. So we serve Pixal I mean, smells Reisterstown and really Northwest Baltimore County. Nestor J. Aparicio  02:30Nice. Well, I got to know you and I did a crab cake tour stop at curio wellness in Timonium with Wendy, we had a genius shock from the Go Go’s there. And you’d like to go ghosts. Who doesn’t. Everybody likes to go ghosts. But I needed to crabcake that day. And and I have a couple of places actually one in the Randallstown area crab queen, beautiful crab cake. I couldn’t get her out that day. She’s a small business. She couldn’t make it. But Sherry Sherry And Aaron from clean Kuzey up their award winning if you go to clean Kuzey because I helped them win their award I gave. But I needed a crab cake because I was doing a show with a curious during Christmas week for Christmas. And I said this is the perfect day to feature his crab cake. And this is how sort of I guess chamber commerce is work. Right? Like, like, you run this thing for these businesses. The businesses were all coming together, they were having an event, Karen Segal, who helped us with this event and was one of your publicity people. She works with us with kind of fitness and a whole bunch of people. She said come out and be a judge, a guest judge at what was that called? Taste, tasting taste. So all of these local businesses wrapped with food and it was a ticket item and the food was great. And I was one of the judges. And I went out and judged the thing. And all these years what’s it been 567 years but number Yes, right? That I created a relationship with a with a Owings Mills business, that we created a friendship I am a customer. I go in and I buys food that thing still the best thing ever that that that squash? Oh my god, I tell people all the time. I mean, I love the crab cakes and families. But if you’re not having a crab cake, this is phenomenal. But I wouldn’t have known about that. Had there not been chamber commerce. Had you not dragged me into a room with a bunch of business people. It’s helped me do business. And you know, that’s, I Beth Rheingold  04:29guess what I’m trying to do. It’s all about networking. And you know, Ali is is new to our staff. So she doesn’t even know about the taste. But it was an amazing event. It was good. And we have had it since the pandemic. Yeah. We would love to go back to it. Nestor. But you mentioned Jerry Jerry served on our board for a while. He’s such a great guy. He supports Baltimore Hunger Project which brings food to kids on the weekends. He’s He’s a Great guy. And more to your point, during the pandemic, the Baltimore Business Journal called me and here’s another thing people don’t know that chambers do called me and said that we need to do a story on local businesses in the pike. So Owings Mills area, who can we cover? And I said, You got to talk to Jerry Schlichting. Great guy. They did a full spread on Jerry and follow up stories of how his business exploded because he’s he’s takeout, right? It’s Nestor J. Aparicio  05:33kind of business model, right? I’m not talking about ekiben friend of mine. So let’s go to me and get dinner. I’m like, food’s great. But you can’t sit down. It’s not the model. You know, it’s not what they do. Yeah, we’re in a different place and for all businesses, trying to figure out post pandemic, the Internet changes in the city. Changes in people’s what they want, I think after the plague to some degree, we’ve just gone through a major change here and it’s in business is hard. I don’t need to tell you and tight. Revitalizing pipes is different than it used to be right. And and I’m from Dundalk. I know what downtown thought looks like and I go to places and I don’t want to be too nice to Dawn molar to cadence will people, but I’ll be in Catonsville on Thursday. There is a downtown area there that looks more vibrant than it did when I was a kid in the 60s 70s 80s 90s. Whatever. There aren’t a lot of those. You know, I mean, I know Nancy, Halford and Towson, and they got to university. So there’s certain I don’t want to say they’re insulated from No, no neighborhoods, insulated from crime problems business. When the point gets shut down. You know, I mean, things happen that are very natural. Where’s Pikesville? Right now, Ali? What’s going on? What What’s your charge in place? Ali Javier  06:44Well, right now, our latest is an incredible mural project, we are having a mural done, probably our goal is by the end of May. And we’ve just narrowed it down. We had 55 artists, applicants, amazing talent, Beth is serving on the jury. So I gave them a hard job to do. It was a jury, there was we had a jury of seven different stakeholders. And so we we’ve now narrowed it down to three semi finalists, and we’re working on street art, we’re working on getting some safety cameras up in the area, just so that everyone wants to come to Pikesville and stay in Pikesville. And from there, we’ll continue to revitalize and continue to promote our area because Beth Rheingold  07:25and I’m sorry to interrupt you but the community can participate in this Nestor. That’s what’s really exciting. So if you want to get involved in Pikesville revitalization, contact the chamber, we’ll put you in touch with Ali, and we’ll create projects together to give Nestor J. Aparicio  07:39us free airtime she comes on. She brings me the key project that I don’t have to ask you like, what are you working on? What are you doing? This is some this is a big thing. And I did a little research on this, you know, prior to just what’s happened in Pikesville socio economically over the last 2025 years to you know, meet a revitalization. Beth Rheingold  08:01It’s it’s tough because it was at one time a very, very vital economy. But things changed. People grew up and they left. Sure we need to make Pikesville to it needs to be a place where people want to stay put down Nestor J. Aparicio  08:16at least 30 years ago fire. The pipes was there. All sorts of delis, my dear friend Jack Brown owned bonded a jewelry change. I mean, I had sponsors along that way inside the beltway. And this is before like Newtown was built. Yeah, right. This is when Owings Mills, what we think of the ravens, and we think of that, that that road up off of red Ron and mud as it was once three years ago, a lot of those folks were settled down more toward the beltway. Yeah, and I think we’ve had that sort of building flight out in the 795 didn’t exist, right, like Yeah, so that opened up in the mall 3040 years ago. It’s just changed this in my neighborhood. Dundalk. I graduate 1985 I know I look younger than sexier than me. But I am 55. Everybody I know 85% of the people that I grew up with, have Harford County. When I see them on Facebook, they live in fallston. That’s where the Dundalk people went. They beat kids of the you know that they left they did not make a life on their heart and they went elsewhere. Yeah. And we’re seeing that in all sorts of places where communities that used to think like jobs tight, go get dinner, whatever. empty storefronts. Well, that’s bad. But that can be good if the right people move if the right. Need something for the next we can’t be living in 1978. Right. And Pikesville is not going to live in 1978 has to live in 2024 Yeah. So part of the mural and part of storefronts and getting it together. What’s the heartbeat of of what used to be Pottsville Owings Mills chamber calm? Beth Rheingold  09:52You know, we were really fortunate. We work very closely with Baltimore County Government and the Department of Planning and we were hiring A placemaking consultant who is going to help us figure out the the new heartbeat of Pikesville. What is it we have a very caring community, but it’s an aging community. We want to bring young people back. We want them to have jobs to come back to so workforce development, certainly a part of that too. Having beautiful things like murals, you want to live near that kind of stuff. Sure. So we want to bring that to pixel the armory. If you’ve heard about the pixel armory that is just going to be absolutely huge. The state sold the armory for like $1 to the counties or Nestor J. Aparicio  10:34baseball card shows. Pikesville Orange County Louis aparece your cards. I used Beth Rheingold  10:40to take my dog he used to go to training classes there but it’s a great space. And we are right across the street from Lexington market seawall developed Lexington market seawall is the developer for the Pikesville armory. Those mannequins were the Nestor J. Aparicio  10:58last ones to get in there with T bone. Everybody knew legs in the market. Were still the old legs in the market. But it is some it’s a period piece in here. And it 11:06yes, it’s forged. Nestor J. Aparicio  11:07I keep thinking it’s Beth Rheingold  11:08because it’s that old Baltimore feel. So I’ve Nestor J. Aparicio  11:11done three shows here, the last six, seven months where I thought it was the last one. Like, you know, today’s the last day we’re going to be in the new market. And I thought the whole time doing February 5 today, we’d be we’re not in the new mark. I sort of like one more time in here. They brought me one more fish sandwich you crab cake. But But when things do change, and they get better, as you’re seeing here and Lexington market, it’s a beautiful thing. revitalization is not a bad word, it doesn’t mean we’re dead. It means we’re going to be better. It means we’re still here. But we’re changing things. We’re putting new, new new facing on things. How long have you been with the Greater Baltimore Chamber of Commerce? So Ali Javier  11:49I am brand new to the job I started at the end of last year. So I started six weeks ago, you better believe I started in November, I’m Nestor J. Aparicio  11:58very good shake this gig. What Why don’t you take this gig? Ali Javier  12:01Why did I take this gig I have a passionate about community. I live here in the city. And I love our community. And I want to be able to bring that sense of community that I feel in my heart. When I’m Outside at the playground with my kids and with my friends that live around me. I want to bring that sense of community to Pikesville and help the residents of Pikesville achieve their goals with these projects that they see in their community that they want to get done. Nestor J. Aparicio  12:25So once this mural get voted on with judging jury next month, Ali Javier  12:29I think the date is March 6, we’re choosing our final artists and then it’s slated to be done by May 30. Nestor J. Aparicio  12:35Do Pick the actual art or just pick the artist and the artist does what they want a Ali Javier  12:39little bit of both. We’re right now we’re seeking community input. So we have a survey out online and variety of Facebook locations for community for residents of Pikesville to fill out, tell us what they want to see on on the mural. The artists, the three semi finalists will come up with the design. And then we have our judge of seven or sorry, our seven jurors who will pick the design that they see fit for Pikesville Nestor J. Aparicio  13:02I wouldn’t want to be on it. I mean, that’s too much pressure on that committee. I had enough pressure being your taste. Judge. We Beth Rheingold  13:08got to bring you back. For you. Yeah, we’ll have the whole event just to have you. Here’s what Jerry, I Nestor J. Aparicio  13:14know you’re listening. you’re ineligible to win previous winners. I gotta find a new joint up in Pikesville in Owings Mills. I’ll get back up there and I’ll bring the crabcake tore up your way one day. All right, well, we’ll work it out with the chain. Beth Rheingold, here Ali Javier. Thank you so much. Shane on an H. Right. Ali Javier  13:33Yes, Javier with the J Nestor J. Aparicio  13:35with transferred in H Yes. I told her I was Hispanic I can get my H J’s. I can roll my girls Oh like that. That’s good. The marijuana is putting us out on the road. Beth Rheingold  13:48Did you guys I got one. Ali Javier  13:51One Yeah. Are you sure I don’t put the lucky one on the ground. I lost my Can I have another your whole nine now. Replace Nestor J. Aparicio  13:58that game around your word fade Lee’s primary lottery conjunction with winter nation. I didn’t put the funny hat on in a while. A six 690 nation they do doors. They’re going to do doors for me. They did wonders for me a year and a half SC windows windows for me a year and a half ago. I’m gonna step out take a break. We’re a little behind. Torben is looking at me a yawn is looking at I swear I’ll get you in I promise we’re we’re gonna go oh, he left did he disappear? Dudes been ducking me I’m telling you right now back for more wn St. Baltimore positive crabcake row a cup of Super Bowl word fatally.

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