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Kim Herring: Getting to a Super Bowl on leadership of Lamar and ability to adjust


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He played in two Super Bowls in back-to-back years for legendary teams. Former Ravens safety Kim Herring won one here and lost one with St. Louis and the Greatest Show On Turf and comes home to Baltimore to discuss the thrill and agony of the NFL postseason and finishing the job.


played, year, game, kids, quarterback, baltimore, man, watch, football, good, lamar, week, ravens, great, people, lost, super bowl, run, kim, team


Nestor J. Aparicio, Kim Herring

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home we are wn S T am 1570, Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive. I will say this before we get going because I’m going to promote our cup of Super Bowl week and our crabcake row and we’re going to talk about Luke giving full coverage for the ravens and we’re going to GIS this week about the Superbowl bullies and Joe Flacco is coming on and Brian billings coming on. We’re doing all that full promotion. We begin our crabcake road tour on February 5, we’re going to be a fadeless in Lexington market Monday, Tuesday. We’re Costas Wednesday. We’re Coco’s Thursday. We’re at State Fair and Friday. We’re at Pappas, yes, you can get a crab cake. But if you come out, you’re getting a cup of soup or bowl of soup for free, as long as you do something kind for our friends at the Maryland food bank. So we’re going to be raising funds and awareness 100 charities all week long. It’s my little Jerry Lewis, give to local charities and community here since being exited from going to the real Super Bowl. The last time I saw this guy, we were out in front of Allegiant Stadium on the night it literally opened. Guy named Zay, Jones caught a ball, he ran up into the tunnel, and you can read on the internet, the aftermath of my press access that night and getting down the elevators. But Kim Herring is if you’re not my favorite Raven, I always say to Rod Woodson, he’s my favorite Hall of Famer. And I mean that from my soul to soul and right and you know, Rod Ross, probably one of your favorite people to read is one of everybody’s favorite people. So I’m not giving that away. And I had Flynn on last week. Everybody knows I rode in the parade with him and I love him. But like, I don’t if I put you in that class of like saying, You’re my all time favorite Raven, but dude, I love you. Miss you. How are you? How’s life? How’s a family and you’re watching football, right?


Kim Herring  01:48

Well, I’m doing well, man, to be honest with you, at this juncture in my life to have two great kids in college and one in high school right now. excelling. whatever they’re doing. It’s unbelievable. I mean, you know, have a great wife have been married 20 going on 23 years. So things are things are looking good man, things are looking good. Well,

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:09

you know what, man, I go out to the Super Bowl every year for 27 years until my access is taken away. And I talked to old football players, right. And some of them are broken down. And some of them are there on head trauma or physical issues or insurance. All the things is vested NFL veteran, you played in two Super Bowls. One one loss, we’re going to talk about all this right? You’re on the most famous defense in the history of the game. You know, you have all of these, you know, pieces that are in the all this stuff. We don’t hear enough about the guy that left the game that’s doing okay, you know what I mean? Like, I don’t have the guy saying, Hey, I feel great. And I made money and I do something else. I’m working for clear. I got a beautiful family. Like I don’t get to tell that story too often. So please tell it it’s, it’s a good story. You. You’re I mean, you’re a kid from Ohio, who breathed football and took it into Pennsylvania and brought it down to Maryland. And, you know, I mean, you had a really nice, tidy, wonderful career playing lacrosse. With a bunch of Hall of Famers, man.


Oh, my God. I mean, just to play with some of the guys I played with. You can’t you can’t write that up. You know, I was I’ve been very fortunate that I got dragged into an organization like Baltimore, which, you know, Ozzie Newsome. He’s done a great job. And now it’s filtered down to Eric to Costa. But we’re still like family. I go there every year. The watch games, you know, the kinda regale them. A lot of former teammates. But, man, look, I’ve been trying to take care of myself. Since I’ve started college. I still do it after I retired. That’s not to say I can play anymore. That’s not to say that at all. But I can tell you though, if I was able to practice the way these guys practice now, I probably could have did about four or five more years, to be honest. Oh,

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:48


really? You can’t cream puff.


Oh, it can’t cream puff. Oh my gosh. But it’s but it’s necessary, though. Because now the guys play more games. And the game is, you know, the game was just as intense as we played. But just the nature of the game has changed. It’s everything is geared towards the offense. So you know, it is what it is, things have changed just like you know, it’s transition from 60s, the 70s the 80s the 90s So you know, it’s just the nature of the game.

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:15

Well, you were always a matter of fact guy you had real smart good parents and like you came into this thing I think you knew it was not for long for you know anyone I mean, you know, your highest draft pick and played on good teams, you had a contract playing when the great team led to you and Jamie sharp and a lot of other guys going other places and doing very well for themselves and finding themselves in a great environment where you were with the greatest show on turf and trying to defend that practice every day as well. You know for you, what did you love about it then? And I would think there are times you see it and your back hurts a little and there are times that you love it again, or you see a Lamar or Patrick mahomes or Tom Brady, seeing guys that you played against Tom Brady. You Like, and how close do you stay tethered to it because you are a guy as I see you out, doing other things people don’t even know you’re a football player, you walk the earth, you’re not showing off your ring, you’re not showing up at parties and out, you know, you’re not that guy. But there’s also a point where I think you kind of got away from the game. I think a lot of people that played the game for a period of time, just wanted to like not watch it every week and not be invested in every day. Because it was like your life of life of life. It was what you did. Well,


I’ve actually come back around to watching NFL football for a time there. I did watch it just because I was so involved. And I had my kids younger. So I had my kids when I was 2627 28. And so that took up the majority of my time. And so I was so involved with them, especially when you consider all three of my kids were athletes, and it was year round. So I was like, Oh, I gotta go to this gymnastics meet or cheerleading, competition or track meet and, you know, and I’m still there. Because right now my my daughter competes in college and gymnastics. And then my other daughter is a cheerleader and my son’s a football player. So I’m still doing this Hey, man,


Nestor J. Aparicio  06:03

Mitchell’s kids running around for the for the ravens, right? How crazy was that? Right?


I’m telling you and so and it’s funny because I keep in touch with Anthony. And it’s funny is my son’s bike gonna be going down to Atlanta to train with him for the summer? You know, because he’s a he’s a freshman in high school.

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:19

Okay, so your son wants to follow your son wants to play NFL ball.



My son right now he’s like me. He’s very low key but he’s like, I want to take it step by step. He’s a I just want to go to college. Cool. If they want to pay for

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:32

college, you watch football with your son now and that maybes brought you back a little bit.


College. I watch a lot of college football. I’m a college football junkie. Saturdays don’t call me Don’t talk to me. Really?

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:41

See? I don’t know you came herring. I thought I knew you. New Jersey. Nobody in New Jersey watches college football.



Well, you know, yeah, you know, it’s, you know, what it is, is a lot of a lot of the good players from Jersey. You know, there’s they’re starting to come around coming back to you know, Rutgers because Greg shiana, who recruited me from high school and was my position coach in college now is the head coach there. But a lot of the kids I played with from Jersey would go to Penn State or go to Syracuse, you know, schools like that. So, or Maryland, or Maryland, but where my son goes to school was pretty it’s pretty much the top school in Jersey for years for the last number of years. So but we’ll see how it goes. He’s only a freshman so we’ll see how it goes. Kim

Nestor J. Aparicio  07:27

Herring is here. Played on our Super Bowl 35 champs look them up number 20 in your in your you were 20 That’s crazy. I think the other 20 Yep, the other guy like I did okay, right.


You’re a cool dude man. And Reid is a great guy. Yeah, you

Nestor J. Aparicio  07:43


know I through all of this and getting to know guys like you and seeing all this i i Don’t fanboy any of you but like getting you on this week. We have an AFC Championship game here first time ever. Right so for the for the franchise. First time since 71. When the Oakland Raiders my dad went to that game Gary Young John Madden, Fred Biletnikoff still alive a couple of guys have played in that game. But most of the guys are playing that game are deceased. It’s 53 years ago now right? So it’s a special thing for the city here and you have a special thing when you come back as former player the game visiting people in suites bringing your kids whatever it is you have a Super Bowl ring from from being here and seeing all this. This is something we’ve never done right so I’ve run the march down in New Orleans we were in Tampa together that night I pictures uh, you me and your wife at the party with the Lombardi trophy and at the Tampa west shore the whole deal. But this is something we’ve never done is flooded out into the streets of Baltimore after winning the right to go the Super Bowl at home seems weird. Like it seems like there’s a better franchisee not once not once because of Brady because a man he because of a you know all the way through. We’re sort of the hunted here in this case. And I know you’re watching enough NFL football that I know you’re familiar with Patrick mahomes and Lamar Jackson, where do you see this football former player and a guy that that views are exchanged everything right?


Honestly, I didn’t even know that stat about us ever hosting an AFC Championship until until I watched the game? Well, like we never hosted one that you started thinking about. And like, I guess not. Because the two Super Bowls we had. We were you know, we’re away teams, you know, in Denver and all that. So I’m like, wow, that is true. It’s like we never actually hosted one. So it’s interesting to see how the, how the team is going to respond. I know the fans are gonna respond. Incredibly. So that’s not even comes into question. But now it’s like it’s on the team now. You know, and so, just that added pressure, but I think they’re gonna do great because how they came out the first half was Houston, and he’s had a great game plan and laying a lot. I was really surprised how they kind of buckled down Baltimore’s offense, but it’s all about adjustments. The game of football is all about adjustments. And the second half, Baltimore just ran roughshod over I mean, he’s almost physical football. They went back to what they know, was Lamar timely passing time. me running, handed it off to the running backs just let them run downhill.

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:03

Well, there was an efficiency about that second half that they, you know, they weren’t beating the Blitz. I mean, the Blitz was just coming. And and then the special teams thing happened. It’s cold out they hadn’t played together as a unit for 20 days. All that rest versus Ross. And Kim, you know, I’m not at the Games any longer. It’s a long story, Google. It involves Chad Steele. And I’m watching on TV. And from the field with Scott Van Pelt up to the booth this joba everybody’s like mortified, right? It’s 1010. Run me through that for you as a player and the expectations because yes, such executes expectations for yourself. If you were on the wrong side of this with as a ram, you’re on the right side as a raven at various points, winning and losing big games. And what happens in the adjustment that happens because apparently, Lamar gave a speech for the ages, according to players. And if I were in the locker room, I’d be talking to guys like you and saying, Do what in the world did he say like what tell? Tell me about it because it feels to me like something happened there at halftime? Well, I


think if that’s the story of rolling with Lamar to speech, I think that was necessary. Because one thing when you are what I call the the team that’s supposed to win, you know, and you actually got punched in the mouth. The first half, let’s be honest, they got punched in the mouth. It kind of surprised the Houston Texans kind of surprising, because they were blitzing them all day. And they were spying and with the linebacker, you know who Chris Harris was an unbelievable linebacker and you know, in his own right. But you kind of have to change the mindset when you get into halftime. And I’m sure he says some things that guy’s never heard come out of his mouth before you. You don’t I’m saying they don’t have a Ray Lewis sort of so to speak. But I’m sure he said some things to get that team on a different level. Because there are times you just need that. You need to come out of your shell and do what you need to do and say what you need to say because, you know, the last couple of years, we fallen short. We’ve we’ve had these teams where we thought we’re gonna go through a bowl, unfortunately, and then LaMarsh record in the playoffs isn’t always that great, even though he’s shown unbelievable potential. And so I’m sure he got frustrated with you know, the first half and said, Look, guys, we got to cut this crap out. And you know, you know, play to our potential because I am going home.


Nestor J. Aparicio  12:17

Watching the chiefs in the bills on Sunday night, you get the sense of that heavyweight fight, right? Like, you know, that’s the kind of game this is going to be and the Ravens, we thought maybe the 40 Niners would be that are the lions earlier in the year, anything in the division, the schedule didn’t dictate that not even with the dolphins who were all banged up. I mean, the Ravens have beaten every good team really, really soundly. But they’ve managed to avoid the bills and the chiefs and the schedule makers and you know how things worked out? This is kind of what you want to see. And I don’t know that the chiefs are playing their best football that we’ve ever seen them play maybe defensively they are and maybe that’ll be an issue for Lamar and Steve spagnolo and sort of that whole hardball read. Everybody knows everybody, but and really they’re the things mahomes Does are the things that Lamar does sort of superhuman things we’ve never seen quarterbacks do throwing on the run faking, mom showed the football to the safety on the edge and ran away from it. I mean, like playground, ish you don’t I’m saying stuff that would be disrespectful if it weren’t so good. To some degree, then they play the game differently for for you watching mahomes Do this and now watching Lamar from a defensive player standpoint, this is the best on best. I mean, this is going to be a heavyweight fight.


Oh, of course. I mean, I think Lamar and you know, mahomes have this way of improvising when they play. And it’s one of those things where you would always see it like there was that that kind of level when I played they’ll just never done during a game. I saw it all the time in practice playing with guys who was like, Oh, I cool, but you know, the coaches always come back You better not do that in a game. Now it’s accepted or are really kind of frowned upon. It’s you don’t improvise, because they don’t want a guy who’s who a quarterback who just stands in the pocket, you know, like a statue and tries to throw the ball they know if you if you can’t run in today’s game as a quarterback. You don’t belong. When

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:14

Josh Allen is playing rugby out there the other night with the season on the line, throwing the ball sideways like like across the field. Like all this going off the back foot they’ll throw across your body like all of these coaching axioms that every quarterback coach in the world ever told Trent Dilfer to do there it’s all over with now because you never saw Peyton Manning show the football because he didn’t have the physical ability to to get away from a guy like you. I



kind of got a thought on that though too. If you think about it, how the game has changed and how the rules are change actually opens up the door for plays like that because guy when a quarterback now leaves the pocket. Guys are a little apprehensive Okay, can I hit them a certain way do I need you know a certain angle if I hit On top, you know, so when a quarterback kind of slows down and shows you the ball like the way he did you kind of you kind of stopped like, Okay, should I hit him? Because because back when I played, we would just hit you regardless, I don’t care if you pick the ball or not, you’re gonna get hit. It is what it is. And so I’ve seen that in the way guys kind of Blitz and attack the quarterback. They’re little more apprehensive of how they’re going to, you know, take them down because now you get called for everything. So, you know, fake sly

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:26

thing is Bucha Yeah, fake slide. Stop that dude. Fake slide that that to me. Should be like intentional grounding here, and we’re gonna give you 15 From where you did it, you know what I mean? Like, we’re not gonna fake slide do that that cannot be in the repertoire. Think


about it. UVC somebody like Josh Allen, who’s so big, but just him running? I see guys the way they attack him not the same. Even though he’s so big. You know, because there’s a certain specific quarterback rule so to speak that, you know, you don’t want to hit the quarterback a certain way. Because think about it. That’s what NFL sells their game is the play of the quarterback.

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:05

Well, the reason the Ravens in the chiefs are the game this week, and it’s not the Bengals in somebody else’s because they didn’t have a chance. You know, once your quarterback gets hurt him Aaron is here. He is a Super Bowl champion. What’s that mean to you all these years later? What do you Did you watch the bully some movies? Of course. Come



on, man. You know, I don’t watch that.

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:22

Do you watch with the kids and stuff? Or no, like? So how’s that go like this is I asked Flynn about this because it’s kind of weird, because like, I know you I love you, your wife, we you know, we’ve had some we see each other every couple of years and get together at some weird way in parking lots in Las Vegas from time to time. But like, dude, like all of you have these children that I don’t know, in any way. And they have this whole purview of life that had no basis on how wet and cold that parade was that day, you know, oh,


no basis. Not even that. I didn’t even have my daughter back then. That’s the thing. She’s like, you know, I had her I think I had her than the next couple years after that. But actually, to be on some kind of video like, you know, the Baltimore bullies. It’s pretty cool, man, I ain’t gonna lie. It’s pretty cool. My son. I mean, it’s funny because my son was watching with me, and he would just look at the video, then look over at me and go look at the video, look over me. Well, the

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:12


other thing is back in the day, dude, if there was something sports oriented, you needed to find an expert like me on the radio to tell you a story. Or you needed to go to maybe the library and find an old Sports Illustrated or read an old newspaper or wait for the television or the ESPN man, that gives you a little piece of the history of whatever happened before your time. You know, once your kid figures out, you played football, he could probably Google you and find the independence state helmet, find your rookie card, find all this stuff that he’s finding behind your back that you have in an attic that you’re like, he wasn’t ready for that. It’s like, not to your 12 son or whatever. But I would think that like your kids see the whole world differently. I saw this with Bo Where’s kids he came out and was fan of the game and roll and he’s got a dealership down and you know, all of you have these lives. And then tragically goose and, you know, people we’ve lost along the way and their children doing good things for charity. And I see his daughter doing the same with the jets and like all that. But like your kids get this different view of it, and then they come back and you put your jersey on and that’s it’s kind of neat. I think


it is and it kind of gives you a hand that when you say certain things to them, they kind of like listen and become like okay, alright, he’s been there before, especially when I’m when I talked to my son, just because he’s playing football and running track what I did. So it’s kind of like you have this like a bro, I’ve been there you saw the video. Like, come on, you know, I ain’t gonna lie. I’m not gonna tell you. Because you know, as you get older as a father, you always go back when I was in high school, like, Come on, man. That was like 30 years ago, let it go

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:43

on a year, 32 years now and like, I don’t know why younger people wouldn’t listen because I do have some wisdom to offer. It’s growing in right here at camp. But But yeah, you know, but I have seen a lot of things man and I haven’t seen an AFC Championship game in Baltimore. Right? Like I was it goes to the post. I was at that game. I was at the game and kroner went into the upper deck. My dad took me to colts games, beginning in 1973 Joe Namath was the first quarterback ever saw, like a whole deal. And I’m a lifer. Anytime I talk Houston Oilers stuff because we didn’t have the team for all those years. I was an oiler fan. I think you knew that when you you came in you wasn’t that far removed. You played against the Tennessee haulers. Not a lot of people who played against the derrick jersey.


Vanderbilt University. I do remember. Dude, I


Nestor J. Aparicio  19:29

have pictures there. You weren’t at the Liberty Bowl. You weren’t on the 9017 you were in a 9018 You were in the Liberty Bowl and he said yeah, you are to Liberty Bowl game. Of


course you were I was like, This is crazy. I was like,

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:39

there were like 5000 people with that game. That was like a play game, right? Yep. Nobody would believe how few people were at the Liberty Bowl for the Tennessee oehlers in Memphis. All right. So from your where are you in all of this? You’re not going to the Super Bowl. You watch from afar you kids girls boys college Like all of that, give me what it means to you if the Ravens can complete deal here and there’s your word for Lamar, right, your Cleveland, can you buy that little Flacco shoe on your last week two weeks ago, right?



It was funny because I’m technically a Cleveland kid. Warren born most of my life and lived in Detroit. And I moved to Cleveland when I was in high school. So my freshman year in high school, I moved to Cleveland.

Nestor J. Aparicio  20:22

So you have pictures as a little boy in Lyons gear, maybe? No,


no, never. No. Okay.


All right. Now, I



was the Detroit Pistons fan because because they were so rough and tumble, and that’s what Detroit was back in. Back in the early 80s, mid 80s, where they were rough man, with the mahomes. And you know, Vinnie, Vinnie Johnson and Isaiah Thomas and Brickman horn. Oh, yeah. They were building beer. They were, they were rough.

Nestor J. Aparicio  20:47

You want to leave Liam beer out, man. He’s the one given all the fouls. You know,


he’s beloved bad boys. You

Nestor J. Aparicio  20:52


know. So that was your thing. Bad Boys where you’re saying,


Oh, heck yeah. Oh, yeah. They represented Detroit. And I’m like, Yeah, that’s it.

Nestor J. Aparicio  20:59

But you consider yourself a raving fan? Yeah. Oh, yeah.


I walk in. So I consider myself a raven period, because they’re the ones who who took a chance on me and drafted me. And so I actually have a lot more, you know, friends from the Ravens actually keep in touch. Ravens people actually still know a lot of ravens staff, you know, in front office. So you’re even nice


Nestor J. Aparicio  21:23

to the media guys. With just me.


Pretty much nice. A lot of people

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:28

I know you are nice man. Cam earring is here. So Paul 35. Champion. Are we gonna do it? I mean, come on, give me a little give me a pep talk here. campspot.



I think we can, I think we can. A couple of our guys get healthy in a secondary because that’s where we’ve been, we’ve been really beat up the last number of games, guys in the secondary. So I think if we can get that shorter away, I think we’re going to be just fine because it’s not like other than rice. It’s not like Kansas City is coming out with, you know, tier one level wide receivers either. So if we can get we can just get up on Patrick mahomes and kind of keep them keep him in check in terms of keeping them in the pocket. I think we should be fine.

Nestor J. Aparicio  22:04

So look, man, you know, I’ve been nice to you the whole time here. I gotta go Barbara Walters and go the other side and say what’s it like to lose one of these?


You know what it is? You don’t realize how bad it is someone next day we’re like, man, we were supposed to win this game. And I think it made it even worse that year that we lost to New England is because our defense played really well. Because if you look at the point of the game, think Tom only through for like 150 Something yards or 160 yards. Well, he was very young. Yeah, we bought we played as a defense very well we remember we gave up a touchdown, off the interception return time off for a touchdown. As defense it’s hard to make that backup. It really is. Um, but it’s not like we’ve got blown up what 17 was a 1714 You know, but it was a great game but it’s one of those games that kind of look at and go Well I think I’m a Tom Brady because of that.

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:00

Yeah, what was the beginning right? I you know, I want to say this to you too because you mean you played with I mean, you went from one sort of legendary team to another legendary team was known for offense right and you played on this legendary defensive team but to go over and defense Kurt Warner every week and Tori Hall and you know, Bruce disguise running around the other side for you in practice just in practice alone, changing conferences when it meant something, you know, back in the day, Kurt Warner all these years later, like of all the people I’ve met in the game, he is just a special human like in a different way like I’ve done things with kids and charities and caught football from him and been out watched him deal with wounded warriors and deal with you know, at risk kids and, and special special athletes as well. Fundamentally challenged in different ways. Just a special dude. You know, I guess you found that when you got there because they had they had a pellet on the wall and you’re sort of joining up into another operation where you can win and for meal and all that. I mean, you had a second really special circumstance come into your life money went to a football place that had baseball like all of that you already had one like but but losing that I bet you know pisses you off and each yet you know you when I have you on I think Raven Super Bowl champion, and you’re thinking Damn, I lost one of those two and yeah,



a good indicator was the season we had after that after we lost it. I don’t think a lot of people remember we lost like the first six games of the season that next season. We started oh and six the next season and had to come back just to be six and six. And then I think we finished with a couple other losses. I think we finished with like seven and nine that year. So

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:43

you almost a franchise never really recovered in


and you get to just tell, you know, everybody’s like, Oh, I’m fine. It’s just sort of roll off. But our play really didn’t indicate that. You know, I think a lot of guys still kept that, you know, point of loss to them and just never really found a reason to kind of play at the beginning of the season. Now we got it going in the middle middle part. But remember, we started rolling six, so it’s hard to get it Oh, and six hole.

Nestor J. Aparicio  25:08


Well, that’s I guess what I’m saying for where Joe burrow is. And Jared Goff is trying to get back there now that you get there, and then you don’t win and at least for you, you know, you have the films to show your kids that you did when one right like and if the only thing you ever did was lose one. There’s no you know, it’s not the it’s not shameful, but it’s it’s not something you remember in the same way and it can be a great season. And it was a great season for you with the rams that year. Everything was great to the ball went through. And then all of a sudden, that’s that’s the razor’s edge. And I mean, even the bills missing this field goal and what the Cowboys went through this year and being really good and like but not good enough. It’s devastating for and and the change that’s about to happen for this football team. Specifically, we’re all the coaches salary cap, like all of that affects all of the next thing that happens and you know, the Ravens never got back there. Right. They had to get Joe Flacco and Brian Billick like all those guys never got back there. The Rams to your point never got lost the franchise later on after these things have consequences when you don’t win. Oh,


yeah, it does. And I call it I call it the Dan Marino effect. You know, he made the Superbowl his first year and never went back. You know what I’m saying? So how does that feel? And you just look at the Buffalo Bills. I mean, they lost how many games to Kansas in a row for three or four?

Nestor J. Aparicio  26:29

And the second generation of that for the fans, right? Yeah, second


generation, and so they’re always on the cusp, but they never get there. And so as a player sometimes you always think well, we have a good chance to make it next year. And like you said, there’s gonna be so many changes every year, depending on salary cap, and you know, guys want to get paid and you know, it is what it is. It’s just how the game is. So you’re not guaranteed to actually make it back in the Superbowl. Nonetheless, playoffs. You


Nestor J. Aparicio  26:56

that’s why I’m saying we don’t call it your first chance. I mean, this is your chance.


Yeah, it’s the chance. So that’s why you have to take advantage of and I’m sure that was probably going through Lamar said when he you know at halftime, like look, guys, we don’t know how many times we’re gonna be in this situation. You know, I mean, especially for them to play the way they’re playing with all the players they lost at the beginning of the season. You know, Mark Andrews, and, you know, a couple of running backs and I mean, crazy. I didn’t think they were going to be as good as good as this when they lost all those guys.

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:24

You know, Kim, I I’m having Flacco on this weekend. I talk to him about this, but and then you bring out the best in me all of you do. So I appreciate you coming on Kim herrings here, former Super Bowl champion. I walked into that locker room after kind of missed the kick. Right. Lee Evans dropped the ball. I saw Lee Evans in the corner was inconsolable. Literally, I remember that room in there. Like you remember these locker rooms. You know what I mean? I was in all those locker rooms. All those years, I was in that locker room. Billy Cundiff comes out and face to the press podium, after missing the kick horrible had to come out and had a timeout in his pocket. Like, I mean, they really, they blew it, they had a chat. And it took them a whole year to get back. And they did it again. And I walked in that locker room and I’m kissing the trophy. And Michael Phelps is over there. And you know, everybody, it’s a party. Like, it’s amazing. I have both of those experiences of winning and losing as a reporter and just seeing the air come out of the building, and just thinking for our city that’s never happened on our turf. And it’s seize the day, man. And I guess that’s the thought about that having you on because you want a big one lost a big one man like, it’s so it’s it’s sitting there. It’s always sitting there. Right? Well,



the worst part about losing, especially the way we did. And also like you said before the year the Ravens wanted again, for the second time, is when you lose a close game like that. You’re always well, what if I did this one thing that or would that change different? What if I did this one thing, as opposed to let’s say you lose them by 30? Like, the whole game sucked. Game Plan was terrible. But when you lose last second, you’re always questioning what can I do? Better on one play? You just don’t know. Could that have been the difference in the game? You don’t know.

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:04

Kim earring is here. Simple. 35. Just so when you think of one thing, what do you think about that? Your if if you’re having to give a cocktail speech and say, Yeah, you played the Super Bowl, you want to Jeopardy with famous team? What do you think about?


Oh, that’s a very tough question. I don’t know, you know, the friendships I kind of created that year. That was a special year. I know a lot. 2000 was a special year. And it’s it culminated from all the things that happened the previous year, with Ray Ray Lewis situation and how we dealt with that over the summer, going into the season. And how, you know, it’s great grace famous speech that he gave to everyone during preseason camp about we need to get to the Super Bowl because it’s in Tampa, and how that somehow culminate to our whole season the ups and downs and what the you know, offense not scoring points are a touchdown for five games and nobody could have you know, saw All that coming but how we stuck together and didn’t blame anybody. It was like we don’t care, do your job, we’re going to be fine. And I think, which is a combination of personalities, which I think really made that team. And I don’t think we’re rarely ever going to see that again, especially in today’s today’s day and age of self promotion. So, I mean, the team concept is, is, you know, I think it was a little bit better back when I played as opposed to now, because there’s now it’s, you know, everything’s commercialized now and it’s a lot different. It

Nestor J. Aparicio  30:35

is a lot different. I can say that from the inside and the outside. Next time I get together, I’ll shave and try to look good for you. I’m just, I’m thrilled. It’s championship game week. I’m trying to get a little rugged, you know, feel about all of this. We’ve never done this before. And it’s it’s good to see you. I liked doing this better than radio, looking at my friends and catching up to how young and Spry you look, I think is what I started with Kim hearing



about this Breitbart. You’re

Nestor J. Aparicio  31:02

still sprinting after all your kids is what you’re doing. All right. Exactly.


I’m still trying to try still trying to train my son and run with him. So I’m trying. He’s he’s he’s he’s pretty much surpassed me right now.

Nestor J. Aparicio  31:13


I look man one day you and I’ll get together maybe Shannon sharper will have some steamed vegetables together and some brown rice and try to you guys were the healthy guys. You know, when I see Shannon being this big star and stuff. All I remembers is little plastic things and had every nut and lagoon every piece of salary was measured out for


him. And all his supplements his box of supplements. Oh yeah, like all sorts of little things. Right?

Nestor J. Aparicio  31:38

They all had little jellies in them. Yeah. All right, dude. I appreciate you. Continue to be you know, good family man and fun resource for me to come and Geez about what it used to be like to be a football player back in your day. So I appreciate all you ever did. And please come out participate if you’re here at any point. Let’s go get a crab cake or, you know, I don’t know something. Awesome.


I listen. I think Baltimore is the only place I really really had those blue crabs. Awesome. I found it anywhere else. Get

Nestor J. Aparicio  32:08

on i 95. Up down here lunchtime. I’ll take you over to Costas All right. Sam herring number 20. In your program before that. Guy came from Miami here from the EU and all that stuff. He came down from Penn State. We didn’t like it very much when he was at Penn State because we’re Maryland people around here. But we learned to like him when he won Super Bowl 35 with us back 23 years ago. It’s crazy how old I’m getting. We’re counting out of top 25 stories of glory are brought to you by curio wellness and foreign daughter. I have my I’m a blunt person shirt on. We are doing a cup of soup or Bowl week. It is our crab cake row begins on the fifth. We’re doing it all for the Maryland Food Bank. Yeah, we’ll give you a cup of soup or bowl of soup. If you come out for the Maryland Food Bank and donate that week we’re gonna be featuring 100 charities over five days of live radio from nine to five every day. I’m going to do my wacky Jerry Lewis bid. It’s just gonna last a whole week. We’re going to start kicking up something good here for the community. I’m Nestor we are wn St. am 1570, Towson Baltimore. We never stop talking Baltimore positive

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