In the aftermath of the Baltimore Running Festival, Wendy Bronfein and Lisa Schaefer of Curio Wellness join Nestor for a discussion about topical solutions for athletes and weekend warriors. Or even just some relief for nagging aches and pains. SUMMARY KEYWORDS sleep, vape, terpenes, cannabis, curio, people, educate, wellness, product, marketing, topical, cannabinoids, ambien, pain, psychoactive effects, side, turn, celebrating, smell, years SPEAKERS Wendy Bronfein, Nestor Aparicio Nestor Aparicio 00:01 Welcome back. wn s t test Baltimore, Baltimore positive celebrating 25 years of this madness. We have begun the countdown and I tell you the Orioles plan and the Ravens in London and all this stuff going on. We’re getting back to the countdown 2323 21 all coming your way out of the front of Baltimore positive and sponsored by our friends at curio wellness and foreign daughter. I’ve got the shirt shirt more last week and I think it does this week although I still have it in April. I had it for spring training, welcoming and Wendy brown fine as well as at least Shaffer making her debut here is the Vice President of Marketing for all things curio Wellness Center, friends over for daughter over timoni, where