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25 Stories of Glories, Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, C-Suite, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Purple Reign, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 1: The New Orleans Super Bowl 2:52 march in February that you’ll never forget

If you were in New Orleans for Super Bowl XLVII on February 3, 2013, you were probably down at the river meeting us the greatest purple march in the history of the Baltimore Ravens fan base. Thousands of you met us at the Natchez down at the Mississippi River to march 17 blocks at 2:52 to watch Joe Flacco throw and the lights go out at the Superdome. Where were you in the parade of purple on Poydras?

Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, C-Suite, Celebrities, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Purple Reign, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

Joe Flacco: Coming back to Baltimore to set the record straight on Cleveland

We’ve been writing about and talking to Joe Flacco about football since the day he was drafted in Baltimore in 2008. After an amazing December run in Cleveland, our Super Bowl XLVII MVP comes back home to discuss what made his fairy tale ride with the Browns so special and to set the record straight on his Ravens’ fire and legacy as a winner.

25 Stories of Glories, Arts and Entertainment, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 14: The power of the Fu Five Flacco Fighters

Sometime around Halloween of the 2011 season, Joe Flacco and Dennis Pitta started growing Fu Manchus as a bit of an inside joke to annoy their wives. Nestor approached him after another Ravens victory and a thing happened around Baltimore. Admit it, you probably have a funny picture somewhere on your timeline. One more reason to love Joe Flacco.

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Baltimore Positive Classic, Celebrities, ColumnNes, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Purple Reign, Ravens, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

Purple Reign 2: Chapter 8 “Just a regular Joe”

With all of the excitement around the play of Joe Flacco leading the Cleveland Browns, here’s the best biography of his life and career ever written. You’ll learn a lot about what makes Joe Cool so cool. Enjoy Chapter 8 of “Purple Reign 2: Faith, Family & Football – A Baltimore Love Story.” Author and radio host and entrepreneur Nestor Aparicio penned this #RavensFlock classic in 2013 after Flacco was the Super Bowl 47 MVP in New Orleans.

25 Stories of Glories, Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Celebrities, College Sports, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 15 – The night Deion Sanders made Parkville “Primetime” with Ravens fans

We’re still in the process of trying to recover the actual two-hour interview from Putty Hill Station in November 2004, but we remember this is the night that “Prime” rolled into Parkville with then-backup quarterback Kordell “Slash” Stewart (one-time star of the Pittsburgh Steelers) to make it a Hall of Fame evening for Ravens fans. We’ll find the tape. Soon. We hope…

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Baltimore Positive Classic, ColumnNes, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Purple Reign, Ravens, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

Dear Joe Flacco: I’ll never let ‘em forget how “elite” you were here in Baltimore

Originally published in 2019, a fond, personal farewell to the “other” No. 5 of Baltimore sports. Time will not dim the glory of his Super Bowl MVP deeds with the Baltimore Ravens. Joe Flacco is cool again in Cleveland so perhaps this is worth another look?

Luke Jones and Nestor debate who sits against Pittsburgh and Ravens grand plan for January

Sure, the game is meaningless to the Baltimore Ravens and Lamar Jackson isn’t playing – but someone has to play in the awful weather on Saturday as a “tune up” for the only game that really matters in two weeks. Luke Jones and Nestor debate who sits against Pittsburgh and the Ravens’ grand plan for a successful January run at the Super Bowl with lofty expectations.

Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, Luke Jones, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

You can’t sit everyone against the Steelers

Sure, the game is meaningless to the Baltimore Ravens and Lamar Jackson isn’t playing – but someone has to play in the awful weather on Saturday as a “tune up” for the only game that really matters in two weeks. Luke Jones and Nestor debate who sits against Pittsburgh and the Ravens’ grand plan for a successful January run at the Super Bowl with lofty expectations.

Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the waiting and the hardest part of Steelers Week with nothing on the line

The Baltimore Ravens are in the best position in the entire NFL playoff tournament. But the playing-for-their-lives Pittsburgh Steelers are coming to town with a quarterback controversy and a real reason to win. Meanwhile, Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the waiting and the hardest part of Steelers Week with nothing on the line and who will play in the rain and snow on Saturday afternoon.

Business, C-Suite, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, Technology, WNST Classic

Let Rick Dempsey tell you how the Orioles can win the whole thing

As busy as ever opening a new Baseball Warehouse in Columbia, the Orioles 1983 World Series MVP joined Nestor for a chat about the love of Baltimore baseball, the fun of fantasy camp in Florida and another championship parade for our long-suffering Birdwatchers.

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Business, C-Suite, ColumnNes, Community, Dennis Koulatsos, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

What is going to make Lamar Jackson happy?

During the season, Nestor Aparicio and Dennis Koulatsos held a weekly referendum on where the quarterback and the franchise were on the happiness and success scale. It’s been a long road of mistrust and callouses and bruised feelings in the Lamar Jackson contract battle with Eric DeCosta and the Baltimore Ravens. A deep dive here.

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Business, Community, Dennis Koulatsos, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

How shocked would we be if Lamar Jackson somehow returned to Ravens

Dennis Koulatsos and Nestor Aparicio have spent the past 90 days discussing the many callouses and bruised feelings that are apparent between Lamar Jackson and the Baltimore Ravens. Now, if suitors don’t come forward, could the two sides mend fences over a couple of hundred million dollars and kumbaya forward?

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