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Edholm colon Hard to argue with any of the decisions of Eric DeCosta on draft weekend

Luke Jones and Nestor bring The Lamarathon into focus as Ravens offseason has been hijacked by quarterback negotiations

While all eyes have been on Lamar Jackson and his search for a guaranteed contract, Ravens general manager Eric DeCosta and the organization have been hamstrung by all of the uncertainty. Luke Jones and Nestor bring The Lamarathon into focus as the Ravens offseason has been hijacked by quarterback negotiations and salary cap implications of the non-exclusive franchise tag.

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The Maine Event centers up the Lamar Jackson discussion

Former Ravens center and Super Bowl XXXV champion Mike Flynn provides some wisdom and player perspective on the ongoing tug-of-war between the franchise and its franchise quarterback as winter turns to spring an offseason of Baltimore football angst and uncertainty.

Edholm colon Hard to argue with any of the decisions of Eric DeCosta on draft weekend
Business, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, Luke Jones, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

The hijacking of Ravens offseason

While all eyes have been on Lamar Jackson and his search for a guaranteed contract, Ravens general manager Eric DeCosta and the organization have been hamstrung by all of the uncertainty. Luke Jones and Nestor bring The Lamarathon into focus as the Ravens offseason has been hijacked by quarterback negotiations and salary cap implications of the non-exclusive franchise tag.

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Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Luke Jones, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Sports, Sports News

Luke Jones and Nestor recap glorious Opening Day for Adley Rutschman and Orioles at Fenway Park

Luke Jones and Nestor recap a glorious Opening Day for Adley Rutschman and Orioles at Fenway Park. And then owner John Angelos started the year on FM radio with more lies, deflections and bile for the fan base he’s somehow trying to re-engage in Baltimore. The more things change…


Luke Jones and Nestor answer the Lamar Jackson request for a trade from Baltimore Ravens

After hijacking the Coaches Breakfast press conference with John Harbaugh and the national media with a tweet outing his March 2 trade request, we wonder what happens next for the Ravens’ disgruntled former MVP quarterback. Luke Jones and Nestor answer the Lamar Jackson mandate for the Baltimore Ravens and opine on the few possibilities for peace and prosperity in this broken relationship.

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Featured, Journalism & Media, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

Like the Mayflowers, could Lamar Jackson be heading to Indianapolis?

Longtime sports columnist and insider Bob Kravitz joins Nestor from Indianapolis where Jim Irsay might be one of the remaining owners to covet the Ravens former MVP quarterback. Will the Colts make a play for Lamar Jackson? As all Baltimore folks know, if it says “Irsay” it’s usually unpredictable.

Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Luke Jones, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

So, Lamar Jackson wants a trade, does he?

After hijacking the Coaches Breakfast press conference with John Harbaugh and the national media with a tweet outing his March 2 trade request, we wonder what happens next for the Ravens’ disgruntled former MVP quarterback. Luke Jones and Nestor answer the Lamar Jackson mandate for the Baltimore Ravens and opine on the few possibilities for peace and prosperity in this broken relationship.

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